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Domain Architectures describes and documents a number of recurring patterns and models which emerge in real-life software projects. A domain architecture is an archetype of a system designed to show functionality, behaviour and structure traits. It provides a top down view of a system - which has profound implications for system analysts, software developers and architects. It can enable developers to borrow or learn from design solutions that have worked in the same domain, and help to predict major system requirements.
This book describes how to accommodate system requirements by integrating them with one or more instances of a domain architecture. The artefacts of this process can then be mapped to the popular POSA and GOF design patterns.
Described and documented using UML (incorporating UML 2.0) models and meta-models, and concentrating on medium to large-scale systems, the domain architectures described in this book will help software professionals to build a stable architectural framework for high-quality systems.
The five domain architectures presented are:
Manufacturing (MAN)
Management and Information Systems (MIS)
Process Control and Real-Time (PCS)
Interactive and Access Control Systems (INT)
Access Control Systems (ACS)
Domain Architectures is a catalog or repository of proven solutions, and is a handbook and a reference for software professionals using object-oriented technology and UML to solve real-life problems.
1. Introducing and motivating domain architectures .
1.1 What is this book?
1.2 Why have we written this book?
1.3 For whom is this book intended?
1.4 Why should I read this book?
1.5 What is a domain architecture, really?
1.6 The Datasim Development Process (DDP).
1.7 The structure of this book.
1.8 What this book does not cover.
2. Domain architecture catalogue.
2.1 Introduction and objectives.
2.2 Management Information Systems (MIS) (Chapter 5).
2.3 Process Control Systems (PCS) (Chapter 6).
2.4 Resource Allocation and Tracking (RAT) systems (Chapter 7).
2.5 Manufacturing (MAN) systems (Chapter 8).
2.6 Access Control Systems (ACS) (Chapter 9).
2.7 Lifecycle and composite models (Chapter 10).
3. Software lifecycle and Datasim Development Process (DDP).
3.1 Introduction and objectives.
3.2 The software lifecycle.
3.3 Reducing the scope.
3.4 The requirements/architecture phase in detail.
3.5 The object-oriented analysis process.
3.6 Project cultures and DDP.
3.6.1 Calendar-driven projects.
3.6.2 Requirements-driven projects.
3.6.3 Documentation-driven style.
3.6.4 Quality-driven style.
3.6.5 Architecture-driven style.
3.6.6 Process-driven style and the DDP.
3.7 Summary and conclusions.
4. Fundamental concepts and documentation issues.
4.1 Introduction and objectives.
4.2 How we document domain architectures.
4.3 Characteristics of ISO 9126 and its relationship with domain architectures.
4.4 Documenting high-level artefacts.
4.5 Goals and core processes.
4.6 System context.
4.7 Stakeholders and viewpoints.
4.7.1 Documenting viewpoints.
4.8 Documenting requirements.
4.9 Defining and documenting use cases.
4.10 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 4.1 A critical look at use cases.
5.Management Information Systems (MIS).
5.1 Introduction and objectives.
5.2 Background and history.
5.3 Motivational examples.
5.3.1 Simple Digital Watch (SDW).
5.3.2 Instrumentation and control systems .
5.4 General applicability.
5.5 Goals, processes and activities.
5.6 Context diagram and system decomposition.
5.7 Stakeholders, viewpoints and requirements.
5.8 UML classes.
5.9 Use cases.
5.10 Specializations of MIS systems.
5.10.1 Example: Noise control engineering.
5.11 Using MIS systems with other systems.
5.12 Summary and conclusions.
6. Process Control Systems (PCS ).
6.1 Introduction and objectives.
6.2 Background and history.
6.3 Motivational examples.
6.3.1 Simple water level control.
6.3.2 Bioreactor.
6.3.3 Barrier options.
6.4 Reference models for Process Control Systems.
6.4.1 Basic components and variables.
6.4.2 Control engineering fundamentals.
6.5 General applicability.
6.6 Goals, processes and activities.
6.7 Context diagram and system decomposition.
6.7.1 Decomposition strategies.
6.8 Stakeholders, viewpoints and requirements.
6.8.1 Input and output variable completeness.
6.8.2 Robustness criteria.
6.8.3 Timing.
6.8.4 Human-Computer Interface (HCI) criteria.
6.8.5 State completeness.
6.8.6 Data age requirement.
6.9 UML classes.
6.10 Use cases.
6.11 Specializations of PCS systems.
6.11.1 Multi-level architectures.
6.12 Using PCS systems with other systems.
6.13 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 6.1 Message patterns in Process Control Systems.
7. Resource Allocation and Tracking (RAT) systems .
7.1 Introduction and objectives.
7.2 Background and history.
7.3 Motivational examples.
7.3.1 Help Desk System (HDS).
7.3.2 Discrete manufacturing.
7.4 General applicability.
7.5 Goals, processes and activities.
7.6 Context diagram and system decomposition.
7.7 Stakeholders, viewpoints and requirements.
7.8 UML classes.
7.9 Use cases.
7.10 Specializations of RAT systems.
7.11 Using RAT systems with other systems.
7.12 Summary and conclusions.
8. Manufacturing (MAN) systems.
8.1 Introduction and objectives.
8.2 Background and history.
8.3 Motivational examples.
8.3.1 Compiler theory.
8.3.2 Graphics applications.
8.3.3 Human memory models.
8.4 General applicability.
8.5 Goals, processes and activities.
8.6 Context diagram and system decomposition.
8.7 Stakeholders, viewpoints and requirements.
8.7.1 Stakeholders and viewpoints.
8.7.2 Requirements.
8.8 UML classes.
8.9 Use cases.
8.10 Specializations of MAN systems.
8.11 Using MAN systems with other systems.
8.12 Summary and conclusions.
9. Access Control Systems (ACS).
9.1 Introduction and objectives.
9.2 Background and history.
9.3 Motivational examples.
9.3.1 The Reference Monitor model.
9.4 General applicability.
9.5 Goals, processes and activities.
9.6 Context diagram and system decomposition.
9.7 Stakeholders, viewpoints and requirements.
9.8 UML classes.
9.9 Use cases.
9.10 Specializations of ACS systems.
9.10.1 Security models for Web-based applications.
9.10.2 Access control during design: the Proxy pattern.
9.11 Using ACS systems with other systems.
10. Lifecycle and composite models.
10.1 Introduction and objectives.
10.2 Background and history.
10.3 Motivational example: Rent-a-machine.
10.4 General applicability.
10.5 Goals, processes and activities.
10.6 Context diagram and system decomposition.
10.7 Stakeholders, viewpoints and requirements.
10.8 UML classes.
10.9 Use cases.
10.10 Specializations of LCM systems.
10.11 Using LCM systems with other systems.
10.12 Summary and conclusions.
11. Project resource management system: Manpower Control (MPC) system.
11.1 Introduction and objectives.
11.2 Description and scope of problem.
11.3 Core processing and context diagram.
11.4 Requirements and use case analysis.
11.4.1 Functional requirements and use cases.
11.4.2 Non-functional requirements.
11.5 Validating use cases.
11.6 Class architecture.
11.7 Generalizations.
11.8 Summary and conclusions.
12. Home Heating System (HHS).
12.1 Introduction and objectives.
12.2 Background and history.
12.2.1 Hatley-Pirbhai.
12.2.2 The Booch approach.
12.3 Description of problem.
12.4 Goals, processes and context.
12.5 System decomposition and PAC model.
12.6 Viewpoints and requirements analysis.
12.7 Use cases.
12.8 Validation efforts.
12.9 Creating statecharts.
12.10 Generalization efforts.
12.11 Summary and conclusions.
13. Elevator Control System (ELS).
13.1 Introduction and objectives.
13.2 Domain categories and ELS.
13.3 A traditional object-oriented requirement specification.
13.4 Re-engineering ELS: goals and processes.
13.5 Stakeholders and their requirements.
13.6 Requirements.
13.7 System decomposition of ELS.
13.8 PAC decomposition of ELS.
13.9 Major use cases.
13.9.1 Normal use cases.
13.9.2 Exceptional use cases.
13.10 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 13.1 Definitions.
14. Order Processing Systems (OPS).
14.1 Introduction and objectives.
14.2 Customer Requirements Specification (CRS): the product management vision of OPS.
14.2.1 Business concerns and stakeholders' viewpoints.
14.3 OPS as a lifecycle model.
14.3.1 Order Creation System (OCS).
14.3.2 Order Realization System (ORS).
14.3.3 Order Management System (OMS).
14.4 Behavioural aspects.
14.4.1 Front Office.
14.4.2 Back Office.
14.4.3 Middle Office.
14.4.4 External groups.
14.5 Collecting requirements from multiple stakeholder viewpoints.
14.5.1 Critical use cases.
14.6 Class architecture.
14.6.1 Class models and diagrams.
14.7 Design guidelines for OPS.
14.7.1 Data patterns.
14.8 Functional and non-functional requirements and their realization.
14.8.1 ISO 9126 revisited.
14.9 Database repository: an architectural style for data-driven systems.
14.10 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 14.1 Documenting use cases.
Appendix 14.2 Some UML class diagrams.
15. Drink Vending Machine (DVM).
15.1 Introduction and objectives.
15.2 Description of problem.
15.2.1 Scope and span of problem.
15.3 Goals, processes and context.
15.4 Use cases.
15.5 Creating an initial PAC model.
15.6 Class structure.
15.7 Interaction diagrams and interface discovery.
15.7.1 Sequence diagrams.
15.8 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 15.1 Collaboration diagrams in a nutshell.
16. Multi-tasking lifecycle applications.
16.1 Introduction and objectives.
16.2 The problem domain.
16.2.1 General description of problem.
16.2.2 System stakeholders.
16.3 System features.
16.4 System architecture.
16.4.1 The PAC models.
16.5 Design issues: overview.
16.6 The proof of the pudding: enter the ACE library.
16.7 The challenge: applying the ACE library in the extrusion application.
16.8 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 16.1 An introduction to multi-threading.
17. Summary of domain architectures.
17.1 Introduction and objectives.
17.2 Object Creational Systems (OCS).
17.3 Object Alignment Systems (OAS).
17.4 Object Behavioural Systems (OBS).
17.4.1 MIS.
17.4.2 PCS.
17.4.3 ACS.
17.5 Keeping the domain architectures distinct and orthogonal.
17.5.1 MAN versus RAT.
17.5.2 MAN versus MIS.
17.5.3 MAN versus PCS.
17.5.4 MAN versus ACS.
17.5.5 RAT versus MIS.
17.5.6 RAT versus PCS.
17.5.7 RAT versus ACS.
17.5.8 MIS versus PCS.
17.5.9 MIS and PCS versus ACS.
17.6 Summary and conclusions.
18. Using domain architectures and analogical reasoning.
18.1 Introduction and objectives.
18.2 In which domain architecture does my application belong? The bird-watching method.
18.3 Focusing on essential system features: the framework method.
18.4 The defining-attribute view.
18.4.1 Advantages and disadvantages.
18.5 The prototype view.
18.5.1 Advantages and disadvantages.
18.6 The exemplar-based view.
18.6.1 Advantages and disadvantages.
18.7 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 18.1 Analogical reasoning and learning by analogy.
Appendix 1. The Inquiry Cycle and related cognitive techniques.
A1.1 Introduction and objectives.
A1.2 Background and history.
A1.3 An introduction to the Inquiry Cycle model.
A1.3.1 Requirements documentation.
A1.3.2 Requirements discussion.
A1.3.3 Requirements evolution.
A1.4 Using the right questions.
A1.4.1 General applicability.
A1.5 The learning loop.
A1.6 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 2. The Presentation-Abstraction-Control (PAC) pattern .
A2.1 Introduction and objectives.
A2.2 Motivation and background.
A2.2.1 A short history of objects.
A2.2.2 Subsuming object orientation in a broader context.
A2.3 Decomposition strategies.
A2.3.1 System decomposition and activity diagrams.
A2.3.2 System decomposition and context diagrams.
A2.4 PAC and object-oriented analysis.
A2.4.1 Entity classes.
A2.5 The relationship between PAC and UML.
A2.6 Summary and conclusions.
Appendix 3. Relationships with other models and methodologies.
A3.1 Introduction.
A3.2 Information hiding and the work of David Parnas.
A3.3 The Rummler-Brache approach.
A3.4 Michael Jackson's problem frames.
A3.5 The Hatley-Pirbhai method.
A3.6 The Garlan and Shaw architectural styles.
A3.7 System and design patterns.
A3.8 The Unified Modelling Language (UML).
A3.9 Viewpoint-based requirements engineering.
Appendix 4. The 'Hello World' example: the Simple Digital Watch (SDW).
A4.1 Introduction..
A4.2 Features and description of problem.
A4.3 Goals and processes.
A4.4 Stakeholders, viewpoints and requirements.
A4.5 Context diagram and system decomposition.
A4.6 Use cases.
A4.7 UML classes.
A4.8 Statecharts.
Appendix 5. Using domain architectures: seven good habits .
本書使用UML(包含UML 2.0)模型和元模型進行描述和記錄,並專注於中到大型系統,書中描述的領域架構將幫助軟體專業人員建立高品質系統的穩定架構框架。
- 製造(MAN)
- 管理與資訊系統(MIS)
- 過程控制與即時(PCS)
- 互動與存取控制系統(INT)
- 存取控制系統(ACS)
1. 介紹與激勵領域架構。
1.1 本書是什麼?
1.2 為什麼我們寫這本書?
1.3 本書的目標讀者是誰?
1.4 我為什麼要讀這本書?
1.5 領域架構究竟是什麼?
1.6 Datasim開發過程(DDP)。
1.7 本書的結構。
1.8 本書不涵蓋的內容。
2. 領域架構目錄。
2.1 介紹與目標。
2.2 管理資訊系統(MIS)(第5章)。
2.3 過程控制系統(PCS)(第6章)。
2.4 資源分配與追蹤(RAT)系統(第7章)。
2.5 製造(MAN)系統(第8章)。
2.6 存取控制系統(ACS)(第9章)。
2.7 生命週期與組合模型(第10章)。
3. 軟體生命週期與Datasim開發過程(DDP)。
3.1 介紹與目標。
3.2 軟體生命週期。
3.3 縮小範圍。
3.4 需求/架構階段的詳細說明。
3.5 面向對象分析過程。
3.6 專案文化與DDP。
3.6.1 日曆驅動專案。
3.6.2 需求驅動專案。
3.6.3 文檔驅動風格。
3.6.4 質量驅動風格。
3.6.5 架構驅動風格。
3.6.6 流程驅動風格與DDP。
3.7 總結與結論。
4. 基本概念與文檔問題。
4.1 介紹與目標。
4.2 我們如何記錄領域架構。
4.3 ISO 9126的特徵及其與領域架構的關係。
4.4 記錄高層次產物。
4.5 目標與核心過程。
4.6 系統上下文。
4.7 利害關係人與觀點。
4.7.1 記錄觀點。
4.8 記錄需求。
4.9 定義與記錄用例。
4.10 總結與結論。
附錄4.1 用例的批判性分析。
5. 管理資訊系統(MIS)。
5.1 介紹與目標。
5.2 背景與歷史。
5.3 激勵範例。
5.3.1 簡單數位手錶(SDW)。
5.3.2 儀器與控制系統。
5.4 一般適用性。
5.5 目標、過程與活動。
5.6 上下文圖與系統分解。
5.7 利害關係人、觀點與需求。
5.8 UML類別。
5.9 用例。
5.10 MIS系統的專門化。
5.10.1 例子:噪音控制工程。
5.11 與其他系統一起使用MIS系統。
5.12 總結與結論。
6. 過程控制系統(PCS)。
6.1 介紹與目標。
6.2 背景與歷史。
6.3 激勵範例。
6.3.1 簡單水位控制。
6.3.2 生物反應器。
6.3.3 障礙選項。
6.4 過程控制系統的參考模型。
6.4.1 基本組件與變數。
6.4.2 控制工程基礎。
6.5 一般適用性。
6.6 目標、過程與活動。
6.7 上下文圖與系統分解。
6.7.1 分解策略。
6.8 利害關係人、觀點與需求。
6.8.1 輸入與輸出變數的完整性。
6.8.2 穩健性標準。
6.8.3 時序。
6.8.4 人機介面(HCI)標準。
6.8.5 狀態完整性。
6.8.6 數據年齡要求。
6.9 UML類別。
6.10 用例。
6.11 PCS系統的專門化。
6.11.1 多層架構。
6.12 與其他系統一起使用PCS系統。
6.13 總結與結論。
附錄6.1 過程控制系統中的消息模式。
7. 資源分配與追蹤(RAT)系統。
7.1 介紹與目標。
7.2 背景與歷史。
7.3 激勵範例。
7.3.1 幫助台系統(HDS)。
7.3.2 零件製造。
7.4 一般適用性。
7.5 目標、過程與活動。
7.6 上下文圖與系統分解。
7.7 利害關係人、觀點與需求。
7.8 UML類別。
7.9 用例。
7.10 RAT系統的專門化。
7.11 與其他系統一起使用RAT系統。
7.12 總結與結論。
8. 製造(MAN)系統。
8.1 介紹與目標。
8.2 背景與歷史。
8.3 激勵範例。
8.3.1 編譯器理論。
8.3.2 圖形應用。
8.3.3 人類記憶模型。
8.4 一般適用性。
8.5 目標、過程與活動。
8.6 上下文圖與系統分解。
8.7 利害關係人、觀點與需求。
8.7.1 利害關係人與觀點。
8.7.2 需求。
8.8 UML類別。
8.9 用例。
8.10 MAN系統的專門化。
8.11 與其他系統一起使用MAN系統。
8.12 總結與結論。
9. 存取控制系統(ACS)。
9.1 介紹與目標。
9.2 背景與歷史。
9.3 激勵範例。
9.3.1 參考監控模型。
9.4 一般適用性。
9.5 目標、過程與活動。
9.6 上下文圖與系統分解。
9.7 利害關係人、觀點與需求。
9.8 UML類別。
9.9 用例。
9.10 ACS系統的專門化。
9.10.1 基於Web的應用的安全模型。
9.10.2 設計期間的存取控制:代理模式。
9.11 與其他系統一起使用ACS系統。
10. 生命週期與組合模型。
10.1 介紹與目標。
10.2 背景與歷史。
10.3 激勵範例:租用機器。
10.4 一般適用性。
10.5 目標、過程與活動。
10.6 上下文圖與系統分解。
10.7 利害關係人、觀點與需求。
10.8 UML類別。
10.9 用例。
10.10 LCM系統的專門化。
10.11 與其他系統一起使用LCM系統。
10.12 總結與結論。
11. 專案資源管理系統:人力控制(MPC)系統。
11.1 介紹與目標。
11.2 問題的描述與範圍。
11.3 核心處理與上下文圖。
11.4 需求與用例分析。
11.4.1 功能需求與用例。
11.4.2 非功能需求。
11.5 驗證用例。
11.6 類別架構。
11.7 一般化。
11.8 總結與結論。
12. 家庭供暖系統(HHS)。
12.1 介紹與目標。
12.2 背景與歷史。
12.2.1 Hatley-Pirbhai。
12.2.2 Booch方法。
12.3 問題的描述。
12.4 目標、過程與上下文。
12.5 系統分解與PAC模型。
12.6 觀點與需求分析。
12.7 用例。
12.8 驗證工作。
12.9 創建狀態圖。
12.10 一般化工作。
12.11 總結與結論。
13. 電梯控制系統(ELS)。
13.1 介紹與目標。
13.2 領域類別與ELS。
13.3 傳統面向對象的需求規範。
13.4 重新工程ELS:目標與過程。
13.5 利害關係人及其需求。
13.6 需求。
13.7 ELS的系統分解。
13.8 ELS的PAC分解。
13.9 主要用例。
13.9.1 正常用例。
13.9.2 異常用例。
13.10 總結與結論。
附錄13.1 定義。
14. 訂單處理系統(OPS)。
14.1 介紹與目標。
14.2 客戶需求規範(CRS):OPS的產品管理願景。
14.2.1 商業考量與利害關係人的觀點。
14.3 OPS作為生命週期模型。
14.3.1 訂單創建系統(OCS)。
14.3.2 訂單實現系統(ORS)。
14.3.3 訂單管理系統(OMS)。
14.4 行為方面。
14.4.1 前台。
14.4.2 後台。
14.4.3 中台。
14.4.4 外部群體。
14.5 從多個利害關係人的觀點收集需求。
14.5.1 關鍵用例。
14.6 類別架構。
14.6.1 類別模型與圖。
14.7 OPS的設計指導。
14.7.1 數據模式。
14.8 功能與非功能需求及其實現。
14.8.1 ISO 9126的回顧。
14.9 數據庫資料庫:數據驅動系統的架構風格。
14.10 總結與結論。
附錄14.1 記錄用例。
附錄14.2 一些UML類別圖。
15. 飲料自動販賣機(DVM)。
15.1 介紹與目標。
15.2 問題的描述。
15.2.1 問題的範圍與範疇。
15.3 目標、過程與上下文。
15.4 用例。
15.5 創建初始PAC模型。
15.6 類別結構。
15.7 互動圖與介面發現。
15.7.1 序列圖。
15.8 總結與結論。
附錄15.1 簡述協作圖。
16. 多任務生命週期應用。
16.1 介紹與目標。
16.2 問題領域。
16.2.1 問題的一般描述。
16.2.2 系統利害關係人。
16.3 系統特徵。
16.4 系統架構。
16.4.1 PAC模型。
16.5 設計問題:概述。
16.6 證明:進入ACE庫。
16.7 挑戰:在擠出應用中應用ACE庫。
16.8 總結與結論。