Gone are the days of predictable expectations about what a user interface should and can do, as evidenced by award-winning devices like the iPad and iPhone 4. This book takes you behind the scenes of the most popular and unique applications featured in the Apple App Store so that you can learn from the best. iOS expert Chris Tome introduces you to an array of bestselling apps and explains how these apps and their developers pushed the limits of the iOS environment in order to create unique, bleeding-edge, highly functional UIs that completely depart for the traditional user interface. You'll go behind the scenes to learn what works, when to follow the rules and when to break them, and what to avoid so that you can design successful and stunning iOS UIs.
- Takes you into the eye of the app store storm so you can see for yourself what works and what doesn't when designing extraordinary iOS UIs
- Covers technical and conceptual details of UI design from inception to post-publication
- Addresses major topics such as conceptualization, flow, asset creation, optimization, and integration
- Features full-color screen shots and illustrations throughout using case studies of six distinctly different apps to show you how award-winning designers approached the creation of their designs
- Explains how designing and coding touch-based UIs for Apple's mobile devices has introduced new opportunities and challenges
Peek behind the coding and design curtains to see how jaw-dropping apps have become iCandy and work across the entire family of iOS products.
了解在 iOS 環境中什麼有效、什麼無效,以及為什麼
過去對於用戶界面應該和能做什麼的可預測期望已經不復存在,這一點在獲獎設備如 iPad 和 iPhone 4 中得到了證明。本書帶您深入探討 Apple App Store 中最受歡迎和獨特的應用程序,讓您向最佳學習。iOS 專家 Chris Tome 向您介紹一系列暢銷應用,並解釋這些應用及其開發者如何突破 iOS 環境的極限,以創造獨特、前沿且高度功能化的用戶界面,這些界面完全不同於傳統的用戶界面。您將深入了解什麼有效、何時遵循規則以及何時打破規則,以及應避免什麼,以便設計成功且驚豔的 iOS 用戶界面。
- 帶您進入應用商店風暴的中心,讓您親自看到在設計非凡的 iOS 用戶界面時什麼有效、什麼無效
- 涵蓋從構思到出版後的 UI 設計的技術和概念細節
- 涉及主要主題,如概念化、流程、資產創建、優化和整合
- 全書使用六個截然不同的應用案例研究,展示獲獎設計師如何接近其設計創作,並配有全彩螢幕截圖和插圖
- 解釋為 Apple 的移動設備設計和編碼觸控式用戶界面如何帶來新的機會和挑戰
窺探編碼和設計的幕後,看看驚人的應用如何成為 iCandy,並在整個 iOS 產品系列中運作。