Learning MySQL (Paperback)

Seyed M.M. (Saied) Tahaghoghi, Hugh Williams




Whether you're running a business, keeping track of members andmeetings for a club, or just trying to organize a large and diversecollection of information, you'll find the MySQL database engineuseful for answering questions such as:

  • Which are my top ten fastest-selling products?
  • How frequently does this person come to our facility?
  • What was the highest, lowest, and average score of the team last season?

MySQL, the most popular open-source database, offers the power ofa relational database in a package that's easy to set up andadminister, and Learning MySQL provides all the tools you need toget started. This densely packed tutorial includes detailedinstructions to help you set up and design an effective database,create powerful queries using SQL, configure MySQL for improvedsecurity, and squeeze information out of your data.

After covering the basics, the book travels far into MySQL'ssubtleties, including complex queries and joins, how to interact withthe database over the Web using PHP or Perl, and importanthouse-keeping such as backups and security.

Topic include:

  • Installation on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X
  • Basic and advanced querying using SQL
  • User management and security
  • Backups and recovery
  • Tuning for improved efficiency
  • Developing command-line and web database applications using thePHP and Perl programming languages

The authors, Saied Tahaghoghi and Hugh E. Williams, have careers inacademia and business, and share a keen interest in research intosearch technologies.

Whether you've never touched a database or have already completedsome MySQL projects, you'll find insights in Learning MySQLthat will last a career.



- 我的十大最暢銷產品是哪些?
- 這個人多久來一次我們的設施?
- 上個賽季球隊的最高、最低和平均分數是多少?




- 在Linux、Windows和Mac OS X上安裝
- 使用SQL進行基本和高級查詢
- 用戶管理和安全性
- 備份和恢復
- 調整以提高效率
- 使用PHP和Perl編程語言開發命令行和Web數據庫應用程序

作者Saied Tahaghoghi和Hugh E. Williams在學術界和商界都有職業生涯,並對搜索技術的研究有濃厚的興趣。
