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Now installed on more than 20 million Internet domains around the world, PHP is an undisputed leader in web programming languages. Database connectivity, powerful extensions, and rich object-orientation are all reasons for its popularity, but nearly everyone would agree that, above all, PHP is one of the easiest languages to learn and use for developing dynamic web applications. The ease of development and simplicity of PHP, combined with a large community and expansive repository of open source PHP libraries, make it a favorite of web designers and developers worldwide.
PHP in a Nutshell is a complete reference to the core of the language as well as the most popular PHP extensions. This book doesn't try to compete with or replace the widely available online documentation. Instead, it is designed to provide depth and breadth that can't be found elsewhere. PHP in a Nutshell provides the maximum information density on PHP, without all the fluff and extras that get in the way. The topic grouping, tips, and examples in this book complement the online guide and make this an essential reference for every PHP programmer. This book focuses on the functions commonly used by a majority of developers, so you can look up the information you need quickly. Topics include:
- Object-oriented PHP
- Networking
- String manipulation
- Working with files
- Database interaction
- Multimedia creation
- Mathematics
Whether you're just getting started or have years of experience in PHP development, PHP in a Nutshell is a valuable addition to your desk library.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1Preface
1. Introduction to PHP
PHP History
Advantages of PHP
Getting Help
Getting Certified
PHP Resources
2. Installing PHP
Installing on Windows
Installing on Unix
Testing Your Configuration
System Configuration
3. The PHP Interpreter
Running PHP Scripts
Extending PHP
Abnormal Script Termination
4. The PHP Language
The Basics of PHP
Brief Introduction to Variable Types
Code Blocks
Opening and Closing Code Islands
Conditional Statements
Case Switching
Infinite Loops
Special Loop Keywords
Loops Within Loops
Mixed-Mode Processing
Including Other Files
5. Variables and Constants
Types of Data
True or False
Automatic Type Conversion
Checking Whether a Variable Is Set: isset( )
Variable Scope
Variable Variables
Using $_ENV and $_SERVER
6. Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
String Operators
Bitwise Operators
Comparison Operators
Incrementing and Decrementing Operators
Logical Operators
Some Operator Examples
The Ternary Operator
The Execution Operator
Operator Precedence and Associativity
7. Function Reference
Undocumented Functions
Handling Non-English Characters
8. Object-Oriented PHP
Conceptual Overview
The `this' Variable
Objects Within Objects
Access Control Modifiers
Object Type Information
Class Type Hints
Constructors and Destructors
Copying Objects
Comparing Objects with == and ===
Saving Objects
Magic Methods
Static Class Methods and Properties
Helpful Utility Functions
Dereferencing Object Return Values
9. HTML Forms
What Does It Mean to Be Dynamic?
Designing a Form
Handling Data
Splitting Forms Across Pages
Validating Input
Form Design
10. Cookies and Sessions
Cookies Versus Sessions
Using Cookies
Using Sessions
Storing Complex Data Types
11. Output Buffering
Why Use Output Buffering?
Getting Started
Reusing Buffers
Stacking Buffers
Flushing Stacked Buffers
Reading Buffers
Other OB Functions
Flushing Output
Compressing Output
URL Rewriting
12. Security
Security Tips
13. Files
Reading Files
Creating and Changing Files
Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files
Other File Functions
Checking Whether a File Exists
Retrieving File Time Information
Dissecting Filename Information
Handling File Uploads
Locking Files with flock( )
Reading File Permissions and Status
Changing File Permissions and Ownership
Working with Links
Working with Directories
Remote Files
File Checksums
Parsing a Configuration File
14. Databases
Using MySQL with PHP
Persistent Connections
MySQL Improved
15. Regular Expressions
Basic Regexps with preg_match( ) and preg_match_all( )
Regexp Character Classes
Regexp Special Characters
Words and Whitespace Regexps
Storing Matched Strings
Regular Expression Replacements
Regular Expression Syntax Examples
The Regular Expressions Coach
16. Manipulating Images
Getting Started
Choosing a Format
Getting Arty
More Shapes
Complex Shapes
Outputting Text
Loading Existing Images
Color and Image Fills
Adding Transparency
Using Brushes
Basic Image Copying
Scaling and Rotating
Points and Lines
Special Effects Using imagefilter( )
Interlacing an Image
Getting an Image's MIME Type
17. Creating PDFs
Getting Started
Adding More Pages and More Style
Adding Images
PDF Special Effects
Adding Document Data
18. Creating Flash
A Simple Movie
Flash Text
19. XML & XSLT
Transforming XML Using XSLT
20. Network Programming
Sending Mail
21. Distributing Your Code
Cross-Platform Code 1: Loading Extensions
Cross-Platform Code 2: Using Extensions
Cross-Platform Code 3: Path and Line Separators
Cross-Platform Code 4: Coping with php.ini Differences
Cross-Platform Code 5: Checking the PHP Versionwith phpversion( ) and version_compare( )
22. Debugging
The Most Basic Debugging Technique
Making Assertions
Triggering Your Own Errors
Testing with php_check_syntax( )
Source Highlighting
Handling MySQL Errors
Exception Handling
Backtracing Your Code
Custom Error Handlers
Custom Exception Handlers
Using @ to Disable Errors
phpinfo( )
Output Style
23. Performance
Write Your Code Sensibly
Use the Zend Optimizer
Use a PHP Code Cache
Compress Your Output
Don't Use CGI
Debug Your Code
Use Persistent Connections
Compile RightIndex
目前在全球超過 2000 萬個互聯網域名上安裝的 PHP,是網頁程式語言中無可爭議的領導者。資料庫連接、強大的擴展性和豐富的物件導向都是其受歡迎的原因,但幾乎所有人都會同意,最重要的是,PHP 是最容易學習和使用的語言之一,適合開發動態網頁應用程式。PHP 的開發簡便性和簡單性,加上龐大的社群和廣泛的開源 PHP 函式庫,使其成為全球網頁設計師和開發者的最愛。
《PHP in a Nutshell》是對 PHP 語言核心及最受歡迎的 PHP 擴展的完整參考。本書並不試圖與廣泛可用的在線文檔競爭或取而代之。相反,它旨在提供無法在其他地方找到的深度和廣度。《PHP in a Nutshell》提供了有關 PHP 的最大資訊密度,而不會有那些妨礙學習的冗餘內容。本書中的主題分組、提示和範例補充了在線指南,使其成為每位 PHP 程式設計師的必備參考。本書專注於大多數開發者常用的函式,因此您可以快速查找所需的資訊。主題包括:
- 物件導向 PHP
- 網路
- 字串操作
- 檔案處理
- 資料庫互動
- 多媒體創建
- 數學
無論您是剛開始學習還是擁有多年的 PHP 開發經驗,《PHP in a Nutshell》都是您書桌圖書館中寶貴的補充。
第 1 章
**1. PHP 簡介**
- PHP 歷史
- PHP 的優勢
- 獲取幫助
- 獲取認證
- PHP 資源
**2. 安裝 PHP**
- 在 Windows 上安裝
- 在 Unix 上安裝
- 測試您的配置
- 系統配置
**3. PHP 解譯器**
- 執行 PHP 腳本
- 擴展 PHP
- 異常腳本終止
**4. PHP 語言**
- PHP 基礎
- 變數
- 空白字元
- Heredoc
- 變數類型簡介
- 程式碼區塊
- 開啟和關閉程式碼區域
- 註解
- 條件語句
- 案例切換
- 迴圈
- 無限迴圈
- 特殊迴圈關鍵字
- 迴圈中的迴圈
- 混合模式處理
- 包含其他檔案
- 函式
**5. 變數和常數**
- 資料類型
- 真或假
- 字串
- 整數
- 浮點數
- 自動類型轉換
- 檢查變數是否已設置:isset( )
- 變數範圍
- 變數變數
- 超全域變數
- 使用 $_ENV 和 $_SERVER
- 引用
- 常數
- 陣列
**6. 運算子**
- 算術運算子
- 指派運算子
- 字串運算子
- 位元運算子
- 比較運算子
- 自增和自減運算子
- 邏輯運算子
- 一些運算子範例
- 三元運算子
- 執行運算子
- 運算子優先順序和結合性
**7. 函式參考**
- 未記錄的函式
- 處理非英文字元
**8. 物件導向 PHP**
- 概念概述
- 類別
- 物件
- 屬性
- `this` 變數
- 物件中的物件
- 存取控制修飾符
- 物件類型資訊
- 類型提示
- 建構子和解構子
- 複製物件
- 使用 == 和 === 比較物件
- 儲存物件
- 魔術方法
- 靜態類別方法和屬性
- 有用的工具函式
- 介面
- 解引用物件返回值
**9. HTML 表單**
- 什麼是動態?
- 設計表單
- 處理資料
- 跨頁分割表單
- 驗證輸入
- 表單設計
- 總結
**10. Cookies 和 Sessions**
- Cookies 與 Sessions
- 使用 Cookies
- 使用 Sessions
- 儲存複雜資料類型
**11. 輸出緩衝**
- 為什麼使用輸出緩衝?
- 開始使用
- 重用緩衝
- 堆疊緩衝
- 刷新堆疊緩衝
- 讀取緩衝
- 其他 OB 函式
- 刷新輸出
- 壓縮輸出
- URL 重寫
**12. 安全性**
- 安全提示
- 加密
**13. 檔案**
- 讀取檔案
- 創建和更改檔案
- 移動、複製和刪除檔案
- 其他檔案函式
- 檢查檔案是否存在
- 獲取檔案時間資訊
- 分析檔名資訊
- 處理檔案上傳
- 使用 flock( ) 鎖定檔案
- 讀取檔案權限和狀態
- 更改檔案權限和擁有權
- 處理連結
- 處理目錄
- 遠端檔案
- 檔案檢查碼
- 解析配置檔
**14. 資料庫**
- 使用 MySQL 與 PHP
- SQLite
- 持久連接
- MySQL 改進版
**15. 正規表達式**
- 使用 preg_match( ) 和 preg_match_all( ) 的基本正規表達式
- 正規表達式字元類
- 正規表達式特殊字元
- 字詞和空白字元的正規表達式
- 儲存匹配的字串
- 正規表達式替換
- 正規表達式語法範例
- 正規表達式教練
**16. 操作圖像**
- 開始使用
- 選擇格式
- 創意設計
- 更多形狀
- 複雜形狀
- 輸出文字
- 載入現有圖像
- 顏色和圖像填充
- 添加透明度
- 使用畫筆
- 基本圖像複製
- 縮放和旋轉
- 點和線
- 使用 imagefilter( ) 的特殊效果
- 交錯圖像
- 獲取圖像的 MIME 類型
**17. 創建 PDF**
- 開始使用
- 添加更多頁面和樣式
- 添加圖像
- PDF 特殊效果
- 添加文檔數據