Beautiful Testing: Leading Professionals Reveal How They Improve Software (Paperback)

Tim Riley, Adam Goucher Author), Riley Tim, Goucher Adam




Successful software depends as much on scrupulous testing as it does on solid architecture or elegant code. But testing is not a routine process, it's a constant exploration of methods and an evolution of good ideas.

Beautiful Testing offers 23 essays from 27 leading testers and developers that illustrate the qualities and techniques that make testing an art. Through personal anecdotes, you'll learn how each of these professionals developed beautiful ways of testing a wide range of products -- valuable knowledge that you can apply to your own projects.

Here's a sample of what you'll find inside:

  • Microsoft's Alan Page knows a lot about large-scale test automation, and shares some of his secrets on how to make it beautiful
  • Scott Barber explains why performance testing needs to be a collaborative process, rather than simply an exercise in measuring speed
  • Karen Johnson describes how her professional experience intersected her personal life while testing medical software
  • Rex Black reveals how satisfying stakeholders for 25 years is a beautiful thing
  • Mathematician John D. Cook applies a classic definition of beauty, based on complexity and unity, to testing random number generators

All author royalties will be donated to the Nothing But Nets campaign to save lives by preventing malaria, a disease that kills millions of children in Africa each year.

This book includes contributions from:

  • Adam Goucher
  • Linda Wilkinson
  • Rex Black
  • Martin Schröder
  • Clint Talbert
  • Scott Barber
  • Kamran Khan
  • Emily Chen
  • Brian Nitz
  • Remko Tronçon
  • Alan Page
  • Neal Norwitz
  • Michelle Levesque
  • Jeffrey Yasskin
  • John D. Cook
  • Murali Nandigama
  • Karen N. Johnson
  • Chris McMahon
  • Jennitta Andrea
  • Lisa Crispin
  • Matt Heusser
  • Andreas Zeller
  • David Schuler
  • Tomasz Kojm
  • Adam Christian
  • Tim Riley
  • Isaac Clerencia

5 Key Tips and Tricks for Testing

by Tim Riley

1. If you are going to run a test more than 3 times, think hard about automating it. The time saved is more than worth the front-end investment.

2. Test the riskiest, most changed, and most complex areas first, since they are most critical. These may be tests #10, #35 and #99. But if you start at test #1 and methodically work you way towards test #100 you may never get to #35 and most likely not #99.

3. Always take time to think through the testing before jumping in. This is the "Ready"part of Ready, Aim, Fire. Many testers jump straight to "Fire" and don't know what they are shooting at. This includes talking to the developer, talking through the testing with others, and writing down a plan and asking for feedback. This provides a way to see if you achieved what you originally planned and gives you something to build on in the future.

4. Have the tests ready _before_ the feature is done, or at least very soon after. Testing a week after a feature is done is a hundred times better then testing it a month later. And a thousand time better then testing is 6 months later.

5. Get to know your developers. Not just to show them your test plan and send them bug reports. Go to lunch with them. Walk to meetings with them. Make sure you know what they are working on and what their plans are. And make sure they know what you are working on and what your plans are. By having a richer working relationship, they will remember to include you when new features come alone, requirements change, and plans are updated. And they will eagerly help you out when developing test cases!




- 微軟的Alan Page對大規模測試自動化有豐富經驗,並分享了一些使其變得美麗的秘訣。
- Scott Barber解釋了為什麼性能測試需要成為一個合作過程,而不僅僅是測量速度的練習。
- Karen Johnson描述了她在測試醫療軟體時,專業經驗如何與個人生活交織在一起。
- Rex Black揭示了如何在25年的時間裡滿足利益相關者是一件美麗的事情。
- 數學家John D. Cook將基於複雜性和統一性的經典美學定義應用於測試隨機數生成器。

所有作者的版稅將捐贈給「Nothing But Nets」運動,以預防瘧疾,這是每年在非洲奪走數百萬兒童生命的疾病。

- Adam Goucher
- Linda Wilkinson
- Rex Black
- Martin Schröder
- Clint Talbert
- Scott Barber
- Kamran Khan
- Emily Chen
- Brian Nitz
- Remko Tronçon
- Alan Page
- Neal Norwitz
- Michelle Levesque
- Jeffrey Yasskin
- John D. Cook
- Murali Nandigama
- Karen N. Johnson
- Chris McMahon
- Jennitta Andrea
- Lisa Crispin
- Matt Heusser
- Andreas Zeller
- David Schuler
- Tomasz Kojm
- Adam Christian
- Tim Riley
- Isaac Clerencia

此外,書中還提供了Tim Riley撰寫的「測試的5個關鍵技巧和技巧」,以下是其中的摘要:
1. 如果您要運行一個測試超過3次,請仔細考慮自動化。節省的時間遠遠超過前期投資的價值。
2. 首先測試風險最高、變化最大和最複雜的區域,因為它們最為關鍵。這些可能是第10、第35和第99個測試。但如果您從第1個測試開始,按順序進行,可能永遠無法達到第35個,更不用說第99個了。
3. 在開始測試之前,一定要花時間思考。這是「準備、瞄準、開火」中的「準備」部分。許多測試人員直接跳到「開火」,卻不知道他們要射擊的目標。這包括與開發人員交談,與他人討論測試,撰寫計劃並尋求反饋。這樣可以檢查您是否實現了最初的計劃,並為未來的工作打下基礎。
4. 在功能完成之前或者至少在很快之後準備好測試。一周後測試功能比一個月後好一百倍,比六個月後測試好一千倍。
5. 瞭解您的開發人員。不僅僅是向他們展示您的測試計劃和發送錯誤報告。和他們一起吃午飯,一起走去會議。確保您知道他們正在做什麼,以及他們的計劃。同樣,確保他們知道您正在做什麼,以及您的計劃。通過建立更豐富的工作關係,他們將在開發測試用例時熱心地幫助您。
