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Whether you're new to InDesign or a creative professional interested in the groundbreaking features of CS4, Deke's conversational style and carefully structured lessons guide you easily through the program's fundamental and advanced concepts and techniques. More than 900 full-color photos, diagrams, and screen shots illustrate every key step. With this book, you will:
- Learn at your own speed with 12 self-paced tutorials
- Create professional-looking documents with InDesign's powerful text and graphic tools
- Discover how to create, import, and modify artwork
- Apply a sequence of style sheets to format an entire document in one operation
- Compose a fully interactive document with bookmarks, hyperlinks, buttons, sounds, and movies
- Test your knowledge with multiple-choice quizzes in each chapter
And more. Written and produced by a Photoshop expert with well over 20 years of experience, Adobe InDesign CS4 One-on-One simulates a classroom environment that provides one-on-one attention as you proceed from lesson to lesson. You'll learn to use InDesign faster, more creatively, and more efficiently than you thought possible.
掌握 Adobe InDesign with One-on-One 的基本原理,這是 Deke McClelland 獨特且有效的學習系統。Adobe InDesign CS4 One-on-One 包含逐步教學、超過四小時的 DVD 影片示範,以及實作專案,幫助您提升知識並磨練技能。一旦您閱讀了某個特定技術,您可以在影片中親自看到它是如何完成的。這種結合方式獨具成效。
無論您是 InDesign 的新手,還是對 CS4 的突破性功能感興趣的創意專業人士,Deke 的對話風格和精心結構的課程將輕鬆引導您了解該程式的基本和進階概念及技術。超過 900 張全彩照片、圖表和螢幕截圖說明每一個關鍵步驟。透過這本書,您將能夠:
- 以自己的速度學習,包含 12 個自我進度的教學
- 使用 InDesign 強大的文字和圖形工具創建專業外觀的文件
- 了解如何創建、導入和修改藝術作品
- 應用一系列樣式表一次性格式化整個文件
- 編排一個完全互動的文件,包含書籤、超連結、按鈕、聲音和影片
- 在每一章中通過選擇題測試您的知識
還有更多。這本書由一位擁有超過 20 年經驗的 Photoshop 專家撰寫和製作,Adobe InDesign CS4 One-on-One 模擬了教室環境,提供一對一的關注,讓您在每一課程中逐步進行。您將學會比您想像中更快、更具創意和更有效率地使用 InDesign。