Analysis of Evolutionary Processes: The Adaptive Dynamics Approach and Its Applications
暫譯: 進化過程分析:適應性動力學方法及其應用

Fabio Dercole , Sergio Rinaldi

  • 出版商: Princeton University
  • 出版日期: 2008-03-02
  • 定價: $1,960
  • 售價: 6.0$1,176
  • 語言: 英文
  • ISBN: 0691120064
  • ISBN-13: 9780691120065
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)


Quantitative approaches to evolutionary biology traditionally consider evolutionary change in isolation from an important pressure in natural selection: the demography of coevolving populations. In Analysis of Evolutionary Processes, Fabio Dercole and Sergio Rinaldi have written the first comprehensive book on Adaptive Dynamics (AD), a quantitative modeling approach that explicitly links evolutionary changes to demographic ones. The book shows how the so-called AD canonical equation can answer questions of paramount interest in biology, engineering, and the social sciences, especially economics.

After introducing the basics of evolutionary processes and classifying available modeling approaches, Dercole and Rinaldi give a detailed presentation of the derivation of the AD canonical equation, an ordinary differential equation that focuses on evolutionary processes driven by rare and small innovations. The authors then look at important features of evolutionary dynamics as viewed through the lens of AD. They present their discovery of the first chaotic evolutionary attractor, which calls into question the common view that coevolution produces exquisitely harmonious adaptations between species. And, opening up potential new lines of research by providing the first application of AD to economics, they show how AD can explain the emergence of technological variety.

Analysis of Evolutionary Processes will interest anyone looking for a self-contained treatment of AD for self-study or teaching, including graduate students and researchers in mathematical and theoretical biology, applied mathematics, and theoretical economics.


量化方法在進化生物學中傳統上將進化變化與自然選擇中的一個重要壓力——共同進化種群的人口統計學——隔離考慮。在《進化過程分析》中,Fabio Dercole 和 Sergio Rinaldi 撰寫了第一本全面介紹自適應動力學(Adaptive Dynamics, AD)的書籍,這是一種量化建模方法,明確將進化變化與人口變化聯繫起來。這本書展示了所謂的 AD 標準方程如何回答生物學、工程學和社會科學(特別是經濟學)中極具重要性的問題。

在介紹進化過程的基本概念並對可用的建模方法進行分類後,Dercole 和 Rinaldi 詳細介紹了 AD 標準方程的推導,這是一個專注於由稀有和小型創新驅動的進化過程的常微分方程。作者接著從 AD 的角度探討進化動力學的重要特徵。他們發現了第一個混沌進化吸引子,這對於共同進化產生精緻和諧的物種適應的普遍觀點提出了質疑。此外,通過提供 AD 在經濟學中的首次應用,他們開啟了潛在的新研究方向,展示了 AD 如何解釋技術多樣性的出現。

《進化過程分析》將吸引任何尋求自學或教學的 AD 獨立處理的人,包括數學和理論生物學、應用數學以及理論經濟學的研究生和研究人員。