Microsoft Visual Basic .Net Deluxe Learning Edition Version 2003

Michael Halvorson, Microsoft Corporation Corporation

  • 出版商: MicroSoft
  • 出版日期: 2003-05-10
  • 定價: $3,960
  • 售價: 5.0$1,980
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 688
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0735619069
  • ISBN-13: 9780735619067
  • 相關分類: .NETVisual Basic
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)





Step-by-step instruction—plus Visual Basic .NET 2003 Standard software—all in one box!

Everything you need to start developing powerful applications and services for Microsoft .NET is right here in a single, economical package. This DELUXE LEARNING EDITION contains Visual Basic .NET Version 2003 Standard software, along with Microsoft’s popular Step by Step tutorial. Work at your own pace through the book’s easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on exercises. And then apply your new expertise to full Visual Basic .NET software—not a simulation or trial version. It’s the ideal combination of tools and tutelage for Visual Basic .NET Version 2003.


Table of Contents:

Acknowledgments xi
    Introduction xiii
CHAPTER 1  Opening and Running a Visual Basic .NET 2003 Program 3
    The Visual Studio .NET Development Environment 5
    The Visual Studio .NET Tools 10
        The Windows Forms Designer 12
        Running a Visual Basic Program 14
    The Properties Window 16
    Moving and Resizing the Programming Tools 20
        Moving and Resizing Tool Windows in Visual Studio 21
        Docking a Tool in Visual Studio 23
        Hiding a Tool in Visual Studio 25
    Getting Help 27
    One Step Further: Exiting Visual Studio .NET 30
CHAPTER 2  Writing Your First Program 33
    Lucky Seven: Your First Visual Basic .NET Program 34
    Programming Steps 35
    Creating the User Interface 35
    Setting the Properties 42
        The Picture Box Properties 47
    Writing the Code 49
        A Look at the Button1_Click Procedure 54
    Running Visual Basic .NET Applications 56
    Building an Executable File 58
    One Step Further: Adding to a Program 60
CHAPTER 3  Working with Toolbox Controls 63
    The Basic Use of Controls: The "Hello World" Program 64
    Using the DateTimePicker Control 70
        The Birthday Program 70
    Controls for Gathering Input 77
        The Input Controls Demo 80
        Looking at the Input Controls Program Code 83
    Using the LinkLabel Control 86
    One Step Further: Installing ActiveX Controls 91
        The Microsoft Chart Control 91
CHAPTER 4  Working with Menus and Dialog Boxes 95
    Adding Menus Using the MainMenu Control 96
    Adding Access Keys to Menu Commands 98
    Processing Menu Choices 101
    Using Dialog Box Controls 106
        Changing the Object Names for Items on the File Menu 109
        Disabling a Menu Command 110
    Event Procedures That Manage Common Dialog Boxes 111
    One Step Further: Assigning Shortcut Keys to Menus 118
CHAPTER 5  Visual Basic .NET Variables and Operators 125
    The Anatomy of a Visual Basic Program Statement 127
    Using Variables to Store Information 127
        Setting Aside Space for Variables: The Dim Statement 128
    Using Variables in a Program 129
    Using a Variable to Store Input 133
    Using a Variable for Output 136
    Working with Specific Data Types 138
        Constants: Variables That Don't Change 144
    Working with Visual Basic Operators 146
        Basic Math: The +, -, *, and / Operators 146
        Using Advanced Operators: \, Mod, ^, and & 150
    Working with Math Methods in the .NET Framework 155
    Operator Precedence 157
    One Step Further: Using Parentheses in a Formula 158
CHAPTER 6  Using Decision Structures 161
    Event-Driven Programming 162
    Using Conditional Expressions 164
    If.Then Decision Structures 165
        Testing Several Conditions in an If...Then Decision Structure 165
        Using Logical Operators in Conditional Expressions 170
        Short-Circuiting by Using AndAlso and OrElse 172
    Select Case Decision Structures 174
        Using Comparison Operators with a Select Case Structure 176
    One Step Further: Detecting Mouse Events 180
CHAPTER 7  Using Loops and Timers 185
    Writing For.Next Loops 186
        Displaying a Counter Variable in a TextBox Control 187
        Creating Complex For.Next Loops 190
        Opening Files Using a Counter That Has Greater Scope 193
    Writing Do Loops 196
        Avoiding an Endless Loop 197
    The Timer Control 201
        Creating a Digital Clock Using a Timer Control 201
    One Step Further: Using a Timer Object to Set a Time Limit 204
CHAPTER 8  Debugging Visual Basic .NET Programs 209
    Finding and Correcting Errors 210
        Three Types of Errors 210
        Identifying Logic Errors 212
    Debugging 101: Using Break Mode 212
    Tracking Variables by Using a Watch Window 218
    Using the Command Window 220
        Switching to Command Mode in the Command Window 222
    One Step Further: Removing Breakpoints 223
CHAPTER 9  Trapping Errors Using Structured Error Handling 225
    Processing Errors Using Try...Catch 226
        When to Use Error Handlers 227
        Setting the Trap: The Try...Catch Statement 228
        Path and Disk Drive Errors 228
    Writing a Disk Drive Error Handler 231
        Using the Finally Clause to Perform Cleanup Tasks 232
    More Complex Try...Catch Error Handlers 234
        The Err Object 234
        Specifying a Retry Period 238
        Using Nested Try...Catch Blocks 241
    Comparing Error Handlers with Defensive Programming Techniques 241
    One Step Further: The Exit Try Statement 242
CHAPTER 10  Using Modules and Procedures 249
    Working with Standard Modules 251
        Creating a Standard Module 251
    Working with Public Variables 254
    Creating Procedures 259
    Writing Function Procedures 260
        Function Syntax 260
        Calling a Function Procedure 262
        Using a Function to Perform a Calculation 262
    Writing Sub Procedures 266
        Sub Procedure Syntax 266
        Calling a Sub Procedure 267
        Using a Sub Procedure to Manage Input 268
    One Step Further: Passing Arguments by Value and by Reference 273
        Which to Use: ByVal or ByRef? 274
CHAPTER 11  Using Arrays and Collections to Manage Data 277
    Working with Arrays of Variables 278
        Creating an Array 279
        Declaring a Fixed-Size Array 280
        Working with Array Elements 281
        Creating a Fixed-Size Array to Hold Temperatures 282
        Creating a Dynamic Array 286
    Preserving Array Contents by Using ReDim Preserve 289
    Working with Object Collections 291
        Referencing Objects in a Collection 292
        Writing For Each...Next Loops 292
        Experimenting with Objects in the Controls Collection 293
        Using the Name Property in a For Each...Next Loop 296
    Creating Your Own Collections 298
    One Step Further: Visual Basic for Applications Collections 302
CHAPTER 12  Exploring Text Files and String Processing 307
    Displaying Text Files by Using a Text Box Object 308
        Opening a Text File for Input 309
        The FileOpen Function 309
    Creating a New Text File on Disk 315
    Processing Text Strings with Program Code 319
        Processing Strings by Using Methods and Keywords 319
        Sorting Text 321
        Working with ASCII Codes 322
        Sorting Strings in a Text Box 323
    Protecting Text with Encryption 329
    One Step Further: Using the Xor Operator 333
        Examining the Encryption Code 335
CHAPTER 13  Automating Microsoft Office Applications and Managing Processes 341
    Programming Application Objects by Using Automation 342
        Using Automation in Visual Basic 343
        The Visual Studio Object Browser 344
    Automating Excel from Visual Basic 348
    One Step Further: Starting and Stopping Windows Applications by Using the Process Component 356
CHAPTER 14  Deploying Visual Basic .NET Applications 361
    Planning a Deployment 362
        Different Ways to Deploy an Application 364
    Creating a Deployment Project 365
    Customizing Your Deployment Options 375
    Building a Deployment Project and Testing Setup 381
    One Step Further: Examining Setup Files and Uninstalling 386
CHAPTER 15  Managing Windows Forms 393
    Adding New Forms to a Program 394
        How Forms Are Used 395
    Working with Multiple Forms 396
    Positioning Forms on the Windows Desktop 403
        Minimizing, Maximizing, and Restoring Windows 408
    Adding Controls to a Form at Runtime 409
    Organizing Controls on a Form 412
    One Step Further: Specifying the Startup Object 415
CHAPTER 16  Adding Graphics and Animation Effects 421
    Adding Artwork by Using the System.Drawing Namespace 422
        Using a Form's Coordinate System 423
        The System.Drawing.Graphics Class 424
        Using the Form's Paint Event 425
    Adding Animation to Your Programs 427
        Moving Objects on the Form 428
        The Location Property 429
        Creating Animation by Using a Timer Object 430
    Expanding and Shrinking Objects While a Program Is Running 434
    One Step Further: Changing Form Transparency 436
CHAPTER 17  Inheriting Forms and Creating Base Classes 439
    Inheriting a Form by Using the Inheritance Picker 440
    Creating Your Own Base Classes 445
        Adding a New Class to Your Project 446
    One Step Further: Inheriting a Base Class 453
CHAPTER 18  Working with Printers 459
    Using the PrintDocument Class 460
        Printing Text from a Text Box Object 465
    Printing Multipage Text Files 469
    One Step Further: Adding Print Preview and Page Setup Dialog Boxes 476
CHAPTER 19  Getting Started with ADO.NET 487
    Database Programming with ADO.NET 488
        Database Terminology 489
        Working with an Access Database 490
        Creating a Data Adapter 494
        Working with Datasets 499
    Using Bound Controls to Display Database Information on a Form 501
    Creating Navigation Controls 505
    One Step Further: Displaying the Current Record Position 509
CHAPTER 20  Data Presentation Using the DataGrid Control 513
    Using DataGrid to Display Database Records 514
    Formatting DataGrid Cells 523
    One Step Further: Updating the Original Database 525
CHAPTER 21  Displaying HTML Documents Using Internet Explorer 531
    Getting Started with the Internet Explorer Object 532
        Adding the Microsoft Internet Controls Reference to Your Application 533
        Investigating the Internet Explorer Object Model 534
    Displaying HTML Documents 537
    One Step Further: Responding to Internet Explorer Events 541
CHAPTER 22  Using Web Forms to Build Interactive Web Applications 545
    Inside ASP.NET 546
        Web Forms vs. Windows Forms 547
        HTML Controls 548
        Web Forms Controls 549
    Getting Started with a Web Application 550
        Installing the Software for ASP.NET Programming 550
    Using the Web Forms Designer 556
    Adding Web Forms Controls to a Web Application 559
        Writing Event Procedures for Web Forms Controls 561
    One Step Further: Creating a Link to Another Web Page 565
APPENDIX A  Upgrading Visual Basic 6 Programs to Visual Basic .NET 2003 573
    Assessing Visual Basic 6 Programs for Compatibility 574
        Problematic Issues 575
        Internet Resources for Migration 576
        Upgrade Steps 577
    Running the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard 577
APPENDIX B   Where to Go for More Information 587
    Visual Basic .NET Web Sites 587 588 588 588 588 589
    Books for Visual Basic .NET Programming 589
        Visual Basic .NET Programming 589
        Web Programming with ASP .NET 590
        Database Programming with ADO.NET 590
        Visual Basic for Applications Programming 590



逐步指導,加上 Visual Basic .NET 2003 Standard 軟體,一盒搞定!

您所需的一切開發強大的 Microsoft .NET 應用程式和服務的工具都在這個經濟實惠的套裝中。這個豪華學習版包含了 Visual Basic .NET Version 2003 Standard 軟體,以及 Microsoft 受歡迎的逐步教程。按照書中易於遵循的課程和實作練習,以自己的步調學習。然後將您的新專業知識應用於完整的 Visual Basic .NET 軟體,而不是模擬或試用版。這是 Visual Basic .NET Version 2003 的理想工具和教材組合。






第一章  打開並運行 Visual Basic
.NET 2003 程式

    Visual Studio .NET 開發環境

    Visual Studio .NET 工具

Forms 設計工具

Visual Basic 程式



        在 Visual Studio 中移動和調整工具視窗

        在 Visual Studio 中停靠工具

        在 Visual Studio 中隱藏工具


    更進一步:退出 Visual Studio .NET

第二章  撰寫您的第一個程式

    幸運數字七:您的第一個 Visual
Basic .NET 程式






        Button1_Click 程序概覽