CLR via C#, 4/e (Paperback)

Jeffrey Richter



Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime, C#, and .NET development. Led by programming expert Jeffrey Richter, a longtime consultant to the Microsoft .NET team - you’ll gain pragmatic insights for building robust, reliable, and responsive apps and components.

  • Fully updated for .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012
  • Delivers a thorough grounding in the .NET Framework architecture, runtime environment, and other key topics, including asynchronous programming and the new Windows Runtime
  • Provides extensive code samples in Visual C# 2012
  • Features authoritative, pragmatic guidance on difficult development concepts such as generics and threading


深入挖掘並掌握通用語言運行時(common language runtime)、C#和.NET開發的細節。由程式設計專家Jeffrey Richter領導,他長期擔任微軟.NET團隊的顧問,您將獲得建立強大、可靠和反應靈敏的應用程式和元件的實用見解。

  • 完全更新至.NET Framework 4.5和Visual Studio 2012

  • 提供對.NET Framework架構、運行環境和其他關鍵主題(包括異步程式設計和新的Windows Runtime)的全面基礎知識

  • 提供大量的Visual C# 2012程式碼範例

  • 提供對於泛型和執行緒等複雜開發概念的權威、實用指導