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Need answers quickly? Access 2013 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.
Inside the Book
• Create desktop databases or web apps for traditional and online users to gather, organize, and share data
• Use professional templates to help you create desktop databases or web apps
• Create web apps on SharePoint Team Services to collaborate and share information
• Use tools for building a database or web app that makes information easier to find and use
• Import data from other programs, HTML, XML files, and other databases
• Use forms, filters, queries, and reports to capture and analyze data
• Organize information and add impact with themes, pictures, tables, and charts
• Add hyperlinks and web pages to forms and reports to use content on the Internet
• Use macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to automate and add functionality to databases
• Prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam
Numbered Steps guide you through each task
See Also points you to related information in the book
Did You Know? alerts you to tips and techniques
Illustrations with matching steps
Tasks are presented on one or two pages
Register your book at queondemand.com to gain access to:
• Workshops and related files
• Keyboard shortcuts
Visit the author site: perspection.com
需要快速找到答案嗎?《Access 2013 on Demand》以視覺化的逐步指南形式提供這些答案。我們將透過豐富的全彩插圖和易於遵循的指示,向您展示該如何操作。
• 創建桌面資料庫或網絡應用程式,以供傳統和線上使用者收集、組織和分享資料
• 使用專業模板幫助您創建桌面資料庫或網絡應用程式
• 在SharePoint Team Services上創建網絡應用程式,以協作和分享資訊
• 使用工具建立資料庫或網絡應用程式,使資訊更易於查找和使用
• 從其他程式、HTML、XML檔案和其他資料庫導入資料
• 使用表單、篩選器、查詢和報表捕捉和分析資料
• 以主題、圖片、表格和圖表組織資訊並增加影響力
• 在表單和報表中添加超連結和網頁,以使用網際網路上的內容
• 使用巨集和Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)自動化和增加資料庫功能
• 為Microsoft Office Specialist(MOS)考試做好準備
• 研討會和相關檔案
• 鍵盤快捷鍵