It used to be so simple. You made a website or application to work on a 15" monitor and, incompatibilities between browsers aside, you were done. Then along came mobile phones with web browsers and they ruined all our easy lives. Worse than that, people loved browsing the web on them!
Fortunately, by using responsive web design techniques, you can use one set of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and display appropriate elements in an appropriate way to suit each platform. In Jump Start Responsive Web Design, you'l learn responsive techniques to make your designs look magnificent on any device, future-proof them, and reduce development time and budget. RWD helps you deal with the very real problem of not knowing where and how your application will be used.
Completely overhauled for its second edition, this book covers:
- What does responsive really mean?
- Semantic page structure
- Grid systems
- Responsive Images and media
- Media queries
- Responsive content
以前這一切都很簡單。你製作了一個網站或應用程式,讓它在 15 吋的顯示器上運行,除了瀏覽器之間的相容性問題外,你就完成了。然後,手機帶著網頁瀏覽器出現了,徹底改變了我們的生活。更糟的是,人們喜歡在手機上瀏覽網頁!
幸運的是,透過使用響應式網頁設計技術,你可以使用一套 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript,並以適合每個平台的方式顯示適當的元素。在《Jump Start Responsive Web Design》一書中,你將學習響應式技術,使你的設計在任何設備上看起來都很出色,未來也不會過時,並減少開發時間和預算。RWD 幫助你解決一個非常真實的問題:你無法確定你的應用程式將在何處以及如何被使用。
- 響應式究竟意味著什麼?
- 語義化的頁面結構
- 網格系統
- 響應式圖片和媒體
- 媒體查詢
- 響應式內容