Electric Machines: Steady State and Performance with MATLAB(R)

Boldea, Ion, Tutelea, Lucian N.


The book covers circuit modeling characteristics and performance characteristics under steady state, testing techniques and preliminary electromagnetic-thermic dimensioning with lots of solved numerical examples and special cases to illustrate new such electric machines with strong industrialization potential.




Ion Boldea is a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University Politechnica of Timisoara, Romania. Professor Boldea is a Life Fellow of IEEE. He won the IEEE 2015 Nikola Tesla Award for "contributions to the design and control of rotating and linear electric machines for industry applications."

Lucian N. Tutelea is currently a Professor with the Department of Electric Engineering, Politehnica University Timisoara. His main research interests include design, modeling, and control of electric machines and drives.


Ion Boldea是羅馬尼亞提米什瓦拉理工大學電機工程的全職教授。Boldea教授是IEEE的終身會員。他因為對於工業應用中旋轉和線性電機的設計和控制做出的貢獻,獲得了IEEE 2015年尼古拉·特斯拉獎。

Lucian N. Tutelea目前是提米什瓦拉理工大學電機工程系的教授。他的主要研究興趣包括電機和驅動器的設計、建模和控制。