The Psychology of Insider Risk: Detection, Investigation and Case Management

Shaw, Eric

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2023-07-17
  • 售價: $4,740
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,503
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 204
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1032482443
  • ISBN-13: 9781032482446
  • 相關分類: 企業資源規劃 Erp資訊安全
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約2~4週)


Clinical psychologist and former intelligence officer Eric D. Shaw brings over 30 years of psychological consultation experience to the national security community, corporate investigations and law enforcement to this work on insider risk. After a career in counterterrorism, Dr. Shaw spent the last 20 years concentrating on insiders--employees who commit espionage, sabotage, intellectual property theft, present risks of harm to self and others, and other workplace risks, especially those influenced by mental health conditions.

Dr. Shaw is the author of the Critical Pathway to Insider Risk (CPIR) which addresses the characteristics, experiences and connections at-risk employees bring to our organizations, the stressors that trigger higher levels of risk, the concerning behaviors that signal this risk has increased and the action or inaction by organizations that escalate insider risk. The CPIR also examines what these employees look like when they have broken bad and the personal characteristics, resources and support that can mitigate these risks. Dr. Shaw also examines specific risk accelerators like subject disgruntlement, personality disorders and problematic organizational responses that can escalate the speed and intensity of insider risks. The investigative applications, strengths and weaknesses of the CPIR are also considered.

This work also describes the behavioral science tools deployed in insider investigations, especially those designed to locate and understand persons at-risk and help organizations intervene to avoid escalation or manage potential damage. Case examples are drawn from intelligence community, corporate and law enforcement investigations. Specific insider cases where the use of behavioral science tools is described in detail include leaks, anonymous threats, erotomania, hacking, violence risk, mass destruction threats and espionage.

The work closes with consideration of the many current and future challenges insider risk professionals face. These include the challenge of recognizing suicidal ideation as a gateway to other forms of insider risk, understanding when subject therapy will, and will not reduce risk, deciphering belief in conspiracy theory from significant extremist risk, appreciating insider threats to our elections and the unique challenges posed when the insider is a leader.


臨床心理學家和前情報官員Eric D. Shaw在國家安全社群、企業調查和執法工作中擁有超過30年的心理諮詢經驗,專注於內部風險。在反恐事業之後,Shaw博士專注於內部人員,這些員工從事間諜活動、破壞、知識產權盜竊,對自己和他人造成傷害風險以及其他工作場所風險,尤其是那些受心理健康狀況影響的人。





Eric Shaw is a Clinical Psychologist and former intelligence officer who specializes in the detection and management of a range of employee and external risks from workplace violence to sabotage, fraud, espionage, and leaks. He has helped government and commercial organizations develop sensors for these risk issues from their HR processes and communications as well as policies and practices to manage these challenges. His publications on these topics have appeared in multiple professional journals and mainstream publications from the CIA's Studies in Intelligence, the Harvard Business Review, as well as Digital Investigation and Security Management, the Police Chief, Fortune and other publications. He currently serves as a psychological consultant to several federal and corporate insider threat programs and the Fairfax County Police Department. He conducts regular risk assessments and trainings for Human Resource, Security and Risk Management Teams. Dr. Shaw is the creator of the Critical Pathway to Insider Risk (CPIR) analytical framework used by organizations worldwide to predict and manage employee unrest and attacks. He has trained over 500 insider risk professionals, HR personnel, law enforcement staff, data scientist and forensic psychologists in the use of the CPIR as a risk assessment tool. Dr. Shaw has also taught at the Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy, the FBI's National Academy, the George Washington University's Elliot School of International Affairs and regularly presents at professional conferences. He was awarded 12 patents for software designed to identify signs of insider risk from employee communications. He received his Masters and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Duke University and performed his Clinical Fellowship at the Payne Whitney Clinic, New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center. He is a licensed psychologist in Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia and New York. More detailed background can be viewed at https: //


Eric Shaw是一位臨床心理學家和前情報官員,專門從事從職場暴力到破壞、詐騙、間諜活動和洩漏等一系列員工和外部風險的檢測和管理。他幫助政府和商業組織從人力資源流程和溝通中開發出感應這些風險問題的傳感器,並制定政策和實踐來應對這些挑戰。他在這些主題上的出版物出現在多個專業期刊和主流出版物中,包括CIA的《情報研究》、哈佛商業評論以及《數字調查與安全管理》、《警察局長》、《財富》等刊物。他目前擔任幾個聯邦和企業內部威脅計劃以及費爾法克斯縣警察局的心理顧問。他定期為人力資源、安全和風險管理團隊進行風險評估和培訓。Shaw博士是全球組織用於預測和管理員工不安和攻擊的關鍵途徑內部風險(CPIR)分析框架的創作者。他已經培訓了超過500名內部風險專業人員、人力資源人員、執法人員、數據科學家和法醫心理學家使用CPIR作為風險評估工具。Shaw博士還曾在聯合反情報培訓學院、FBI國家學院、喬治華盛頓大學埃利奧特國際事務學院任教,並經常在專業會議上發表演講。他獲得了12項軟件專利,用於識別員工溝通中的內部風險跡象。他在杜克大學獲得臨床心理學碩士和博士學位,並在紐約醫院康奈爾大學醫學中心的Payne Whitney診所進行臨床實習。他在華盛頓特區、馬里蘭州、維吉尼亞州和紐約州都是持牌心理學家。更詳細的背景信息可在上查看。