Human and Machine Hearing: Extracting Meaning from Sound (Hardcover) (人類與機器的聽覺:從聲音中提取意義)

Richard F. Lyon




Human and Machine Hearing is the first book to comprehensively describe how human hearing works and how to build machines to analyze sounds in the same way that people do. Drawing on over thirty-five years of experience in analyzing hearing and building systems, Richard F. Lyon explains how we can now build machines with close-to-human abilities in speech, music, and other sound-understanding domains. He explains human hearing in terms of engineering concepts, and describes how to incorporate those concepts into machines for a wide range of modern applications. The details of this approach are presented at an accessible level, to bring a diverse range of readers, from neuroscience to engineering, to a common technical understanding. The description of hearing as signal-processing algorithms is supported by corresponding open-source code, for which the book serves as motivating documentation.


《人類與機器聽覺》是第一本全面描述人類聽覺運作方式以及如何建立機器以與人類相同方式分析聲音的書籍。作者Richard F. Lyon憑藉超過35年的聽覺分析和系統建立經驗,解釋了我們如何建立具有接近人類能力的機器,用於語音、音樂和其他聲音理解領域。他以工程概念解釋人類聽覺,並描述如何將這些概念應用於各種現代應用中的機器。這種方法的細節以易於理解的方式呈現,使從神經科學到工程學的各種讀者能夠達到共同的技術理解。將聽覺描述為信號處理算法的方式得到相應的開源代碼支持,該書作為激勵性文檔提供。