Principles of Database Management: The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and Small Data (Hardcover)

Wilfried Lemahieu, Seppe vanden Broucke, Bart Baesens



This comprehensive textbook teaches the fundamentals of database design, modeling, systems, data storage, and the evolving world of data warehousing, governance and more. Written by experienced educators and experts in big data, analytics, data quality, and data integration, it provides an up-to-date approach to database management. This full-color, illustrated text has a balanced theory-practice focus, covering essential topics, from established database technologies to recent trends, like Big Data, NoSQL, and more. Fundamental concepts are supported by real-world examples, query and code walkthroughs, and figures, making it perfect for introductory courses for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in information systems or computer science. These examples are further supported by an online playground with multiple learning environments, including MySQL; MongoDB; Neo4j Cypher; and tree structure visualization. This combined learning approach connects key concepts throughout the text to the important, practical tools to get started in database management.


這本全面的教科書教授資料庫設計、建模、系統、資料儲存以及不斷演進的資料倉儲、治理等基礎知識。由經驗豐富的教育家和大數據、分析、資料品質和資料整合專家撰寫,提供最新的資料庫管理方法。這本全彩色插圖的教材具有平衡的理論實踐重點,涵蓋從已建立的資料庫技術到最新趨勢(如大數據、NoSQL等)的重要主題。基本概念通過實際案例、查詢和程式碼演示以及圖表來支持,非常適合資訊系統或計算機科學的高年級本科生和研究生的入門課程。這些案例還得到了在線遊戲場的支持,其中包括MySQL、MongoDB、Neo4j Cypher和樹狀結構可視化等多個學習環境。這種結合的學習方法將教材中的關鍵概念與重要的實用工具相連接,幫助讀者開始進行資料庫管理。