Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 3/e (Paperback)

Nicholas C. Zakas




A significant update to a bestselling JavaScript book

As the key scripting language for the web, JavaScript is supported by every modern web browser and allows developers to create client-side scripts that take advantage of features such as animating the canvas tag and enabling client-side storage and application caches. After an in-depth introduction to the JavaScript language, this updated edition of a bestseller progresses to break down how JavaScript is applied for web development using the latest web development technologies. Veteran author and JavaScript guru Nicholas Zakas shows how JavaScript works with the new HTML5 as well as other significant advances in web development as it relates to JavaScript.

  • Begins with an introduction to JavaScript basics and then moves on to more advanced topics regarding JavaScript and advances in web development technologies
  • Describes how JavaScript is implemented into HTML5
  • Covers browser/feature detection in scripts, event-driven JavaScript development, error reporting and debugging, offline application and data storage, and more

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 3rd Edition is an authoritative JavaScript resource that every web developers should have.



作為網頁的關鍵腳本語言,JavaScript受到現代瀏覽器的支持,並允許開發人員創建客戶端腳本,利用功能,如動畫化canvas標籤以及啟用客戶端存儲和應用程序緩存。在深入介紹JavaScript語言之後,這本暢銷書的更新版進一步解析了如何使用最新的網頁開發技術將JavaScript應用於網頁開發。資深作者和JavaScript專家Nicholas Zakas展示了JavaScript如何與新的HTML5以及與JavaScript相關的其他重大網頁開發進展相結合。

  • 從JavaScript基礎知識入門,然後深入探討JavaScript和網頁開發技術的更高級主題

  • 描述了JavaScript如何實現到HTML5中

  • 涵蓋了腳本中的瀏覽器/功能檢測、事件驅動的JavaScript開發、錯誤報告和調試、離線應用程序和數據存儲等內容
