CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit, Includes CD Set: Exam SY0-301, 3/e (Paperback)
暫譯: CompTIA Security+ 認證套件,包含 CD 套件:考試 SY0-301,第三版(平裝本)
Emmett Dulaney, James M. Stewart, David Miller, Michael Gregg
$1,730$1,644 -
$820$648 -
$800$632 -
$680$578 -
Value-priced kit helps you study, practice, and review for the new Security+ exam
This three-book, value-priced kit helps candidates prepare for the new version of the CompTIA Security+ exam (SY0-301). Offering 100% coverage of all exam objectives, exercises to hone critical skills, and tools for that last-minute review, this practical package not only prepares you for the exam, but also to handle some of the most challenging tasks that security professionals face on the job.
- Three-book set includes CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, 5th Edition; CompTIA Security+ Review Guide, 2nd Edition; and Security Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to Essential Security+ Skills, 3rd Edition
- Provides 100% coverage of all exam objectives for the CompTIA Security+ exam SY0-301
- Offers practical examples and insights drawn from the real world, with step-by-step instructions on how to perform tasks most security administrators should expect to perform
- Includes two CDs with practice exams, chapter review questions, electronic flashcards, and more
This all-in-one package is what you need to fully prepare for exam SY0-301, CompTIA's newest Security+ exam.
價位合理的套件幫助您學習、練習和複習新的 Security+ 考試
這個三本書的價位合理套件幫助考生準備 CompTIA Security+ 考試的新版本 (SY0-301)。提供 100% 覆蓋所有考試目標、磨練關鍵技能的練習以及最後一刻複習的工具,這個實用的套件不僅幫助您準備考試,還能應對安全專業人員在工作中面臨的一些最具挑戰性的任務。
- 三本書的套裝包括 CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, 5th Edition;CompTIA Security+ Review Guide, 2nd Edition;以及 Security Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to Essential Security+ Skills, 3rd Edition
- 提供 CompTIA Security+ 考試 SY0-301 所有考試目標的 100% 覆蓋
- 提供來自現實世界的實用範例和見解,並附有逐步指導,說明大多數安全管理員應該預期執行的任務
- 包括兩張 CD,內含練習考題、章節複習問題、電子閃卡等
這個一體化的套件是您充分準備 SY0-301 考試、CompTIA 最新的 Security+ 考試所需的。