Millionaire Expat: How to Build Wealth Living Overseas
暫譯: 海外百萬富翁:如何在國外建立財富

Hallam, Andrew



Build your strongest-ever portfolio from anywhere in the world

Millionaire Expat is a handbook for smart investing, saving for retirement, and building wealth while overseas. As a follow-up to The Global Expatriate's Guide to Investing, this book provides savvy investment advice for everyone--no matter where you're from--to help you achieve your financial goals. Whether you're looking for safety, strong growth, or a mix of both, index funds are the answer. Low-risk and reliable, these are the investments you won't hear about from most advisors. Most advisors would rather earn whopping commissions than follow sound financial principles, but Warren Buffett and Nobel Prize winners agree that index funds are the best way to achieve market success--so who are you ready to trust with your financial future?

If you want a better advisor, this book will show you how to find one; if you'd rather go it alone, this book gives you index fund strategies to help you invest in the best products for you.

  • Learn how to invest for both safety and strong returns
  • Discover just how much retirement will actually cost, and how much you should be saving every month
  • Find out where to find a trustworthy advisor--or go it alone
  • Take advantage of your offshore status to invest successfully and profitably

Author Andrew Hallam was a high school teacher who built a million-dollar portfolio--on a teacher's salary. He knows how everyday people can achieve success in the market. In Millionaire Expat, he tailors his best advice to the unique needs of those living overseas to give you the targeted, real-world guidance you need.





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ANDREW HALLAM is a personal finance columnist and former international high school teacher. He built a million-dollar investment portfolio on a teacher's salary. He is the author of the bestselling book, Millionaire Teacher, and writes a regular finance column for Canada's national paper, The Globe and Mail. A former columnist for Canadian Business magazine, he also writes a weekly column for the U.S.-based financial services company, Assetbuilder. Andrew is a regular on TV and radio, and his website,, has become a beacon for expatriate investors around the world.


安德魯·哈拉姆(ANDREW HALLAM)是一位個人理財專欄作家及前國際高中教師。他在教師的薪水下建立了一個百萬美元的投資組合。他是暢銷書《百萬富翁教師》(Millionaire Teacher)的作者,並為加拿大的國家報紙《環球郵報》(The Globe and Mail)撰寫定期的財經專欄。作為《加拿大商業》(Canadian Business)雜誌的前專欄作家,他還為美國的金融服務公司Assetbuilder撰寫每週專欄。安德魯經常出現在電視和廣播上,他的網站andrewhallam.com已成為全球外籍投資者的燈塔。