Ocp Oracle Certified Professional Java Se 17 Developer Practice Tests: Exam 1z0-829 (Paperback)

Boyarsky, Jeanne, Selikoff, Scott




Efficiently and effectively prepare for the OCP Java SE 17 certification exam

In OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Practice Tests: Exam 1Z0-829, a team of veteran Java developers helps you gain the confidence and knowledge you need to take the Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer exam. Hundreds of domain-by-domain questions accompany complimentary online access to bonus questions, providing you with over 1000 practice questions and answers.

You'll also get:

  • Access to Sybex's proven online interactive learning environment and test bank
  • Comprehensive coverage of every domain included on the OCP Java SE 17 Developer exam
  • Three complete bonus practice exams to help you gain confidence and develop proficiency in Java development

This resource is perfect for anyone preparing to take Exam 1Z0-829. It also belongs on the bookshelves of novice and veteran Java programmers hoping to improve their on-the-job coding skills.


「高效且有效地準備 OCP Java SE 17 認證考試」

在《OCP Oracle 認證專業 Java SE 17 開發人員實戰測試:考試 1Z0-829》一書中,一群經驗豐富的 Java 開發人員將協助您獲得參加 Oracle 認證專業 Java SE 17 開發人員考試所需的信心和知識。數百個按領域分類的問題與免費線上額外問題的存取權結合,提供您超過 1000 個練習問題和答案。


- 存取 Sybex 經過驗證的線上互動學習環境和測試庫
- 全面涵蓋 OCP Java SE 17 開發人員考試中的每個領域
- 三個完整的額外練習考試,幫助您建立自信並提升 Java 開發技能

這份資源非常適合準備參加 1Z0-829 考試的人。同時,對於希望提升工作中編碼技能的初學者和資深 Java 程式設計師來說,這本書也是必備之選。



Jeanne Boyarsky is a Java Champion and has worked as a Java developer for a major bank for more than 20 years. She is a senior moderator at CodeRanch, and trains and mentors students of all levels, including the programming department of a FIRST robotics team.

Scott Selikoff has been a professional Java Enterprise architect for over 20 years. He currently works as a Staff Software Engineer at Google, specializing in Architecture and Cloud Services. He is a Leader of the Garden State Java User Group, helping to facilitate discussions and exchange of ideas within the community.


Jeanne Boyarsky 是一位 Java Champion,已在一家大型銀行擔任 Java 開發人員超過 20 年。她是 CodeRanch 的高級主持人,並培訓和指導各級學生,包括一個 FIRST 機器人隊的編程部門。

Scott Selikoff 是一位專業的 Java 企業架構師,已有超過 20 年的經驗。他目前在 Google 擔任高級軟體工程師,專注於架構和雲服務。他是 Garden State Java User Group 的領導者,協助促進社群內的討論和思想交流。