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Main drivers for the introduction of Long Term Evolution of UTRAN (LTE) is to provide far better end user experience for mobile broadband services. However, service providers also need to have a clear strategy of how to offer voice and messaging services for consumers and enterprises. The voice service over LTE is becoming increasingly important when the smartphone penetration is increasing rapidly. Smartphones require both good quality voice and high speed broadband data.
This book provides the exhaustive view to industry-approved technologies and standards behind the Voice over LTE (VoLTE). Whether a decision maker or technology analyst, this book explains a topic of substantial global market interest. It provides a good introduction to the technology and is useful for operators who may be deploying VoLTE, product managers responsible for VoLTE products and those who work in implementation and standardization of related technologies.
- Provides a comprehensive overview of industry-approved technologies and standards, providing vital information for decision makers and those working on the technology
- Written by authors working at the cutting edge of mobile communications technology today, bringing a mix of standards and product background, guaranteeing in-depth practical and standards information
- Covering the technical and practical elements of VoLTE, explaining the various approaches for providing voice services over LTE
描述將語音和簡訊服務遷移至 LTE/EPC 網路的技術解決方案和標準
長期演進的 UTRAN (LTE) 引入的主要驅動因素是為了提供更好的行動寬頻服務終端用戶體驗。然而,服務提供商也需要有清晰的策略來為消費者和企業提供語音和訊息服務。隨著智慧型手機滲透率的快速上升,LTE 上的語音服務變得越來越重要。智慧型手機需要良好的語音品質和高速的寬頻數據。
本書提供了關於語音通過 LTE (VoLTE) 的行業認可技術和標準的全面視角。無論是決策者還是技術分析師,本書都解釋了一個具有全球市場重大興趣的主題。它對技術提供了良好的介紹,對於可能部署 VoLTE 的運營商、負責 VoLTE 產品的產品經理以及從事相關技術實施和標準化的人員都非常有用。
- 提供行業認可技術和標準的全面概述,為決策者和從事該技術的人員提供重要資訊
- 由當今行動通信技術前沿的作者撰寫,結合標準和產品背景,保證深入的實務和標準資訊
- 涵蓋 VoLTE 的技術和實務要素,解釋在 LTE 上提供語音服務的各種方法