OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I Exam Guide (Exams 1Z0-808)
暫譯: OCA Java SE 8 程式設計師 I 考試指南 (考試 1Z0-808)

Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates



Up-to-date coverage of every topic on the Java 8 SE Programmer I exam

Prepare for the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I exam using this effective self-study system from Oracle Press. Written by developers of the original Sun Certified Java Programmer exam, OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-808) includes two complete, accurate practice exams. In all, you will get more than 200 practice questions that mirror those on the actual test in content, tone, and format. Beyond fully preparing you for the challenging exam, the book also serves as an ideal on-the-job reference.

Clearly explains every topic on Exam IZ0-808, including:
• Declarations
• Access control
• Object orientation
• Assignments
• Operators
• Flow control
• Exceptions
• Strings
• Arrays
• ArrayLists
Electronic content includes:
• 200+ practice exam questions
• Fully customizable test engine
• Secured book PDF


最新的 Java 8 SE 程式設計師 I 考試主題涵蓋

使用這本來自 Oracle Press 的有效自學系統來準備 OCA Java SE 8 程式設計師 I 考試。這本書由原 Sun 認證 Java 程式設計師考試的開發者撰寫,OCA Java SE 8 程式設計師 I 考試指南 (考試 1Z0-808) 包含兩套完整且準確的練習考題。總共提供超過 200 道練習題,這些題目在內容、語氣和格式上都與實際考試相符。除了讓你充分準備這個具有挑戰性的考試外,這本書也可作為理想的工作參考資料。

清楚解釋考試 IZ0-808 的每個主題,包括:
• 宣告

• 存取控制

• 物件導向

• 指派

• 運算子

• 流程控制

• 例外處理

• 字串

• 陣列

• ArrayLists




• 200+ 練習考題

• 完全可自訂的測試引擎

• 安全的書籍 PDF