Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners: A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages
暫譯: Tanmay 教授初學者 Julia:通往各年齡層機器學習的跳板

Bakshi, Tanmay



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A quick guide to start writing your own fun and useful Julia apps--no prior experience required

This engaging guide shows, step by step, how to build custom programs using Julia, the open-source, intuitive scripting language. Written by 15-year-old technology phenom Tanmay Bakshi, the book is presented in an accessible style that makes learning easy and enjoyable. Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners: A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages clearly explains the basics of Julia programming and takes a look at cutting-edge machine learning applications. You will also discover how to interface your Julia apps with code written in Python.

Inside, you'll learn to:

- Set up and configure your Julia environment
- Get up and running writing your own Julia apps
- Define variables and use them in your programs
- Use conditions, iterations, for-loops, and while-loops
- Create, go through, and modify arrays
- Build an app to manage things you lend and get back from your friends
- Create and utilize dictionaries
- Simplify maintenance of your code using functions
- Apply functions on arrays and use functions recursively and generically
- Understand and program basic machine learning apps



這本引人入勝的指南逐步展示了如何使用 Julia 這個開源、直觀的腳本語言來構建自定義程序,無需任何先前經驗。這本書由 15 歲的科技天才 Tanmay Bakshi 撰寫,以易於理解的風格呈現,使學習變得輕鬆愉快。《Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners: A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages》清楚地解釋了 Julia 程式設計的基本概念,並探討了尖端的機器學習應用。您還將發現如何將您的 Julia 應用程式與用 Python 編寫的代碼進行接口。

- 設置和配置您的 Julia 環境
- 開始撰寫自己的 Julia 應用程式
- 定義變數並在程序中使用它們
- 使用條件、迭代、for 迴圈和 while 迴圈
- 創建、遍歷和修改數組
- 構建一個管理您借出和從朋友那裡取回物品的應用程式
- 創建和使用字典
- 使用函數簡化代碼的維護
- 在數組上應用函數,並遞歸和通用地使用函數
- 理解和編程基本的機器學習應用程式


Tanmay Bakshi is a 15 year-old author, AI/ML expert, TED and keynote speaker, and a media personality who has addressed over 200,000 executives, leaders, intellectuals, and developers at international conferences, schools, universities, financial institutions, and multinationals. His passion to develop algorithms and work with machine learning lead him to apply this tech mainly in the fields of education and healthcare.

His goal is to help at least 100,000 aspiring coders in learning how to code through his workshops and seminars. Tanmay's YouTube channel called "Tanmay Teaches" has earned him numerous recognitions like IBM Champion for Cloud and Google Developer Expert for Machine Learning.


Tanmay Bakshi 是一位 15 歲的作者、人工智慧/機器學習專家、TED 演講者及主題演講者,並且是一位媒體人物,他在國際會議、學校、大學、金融機構和跨國公司中向超過 200,000 名高管、領導者、知識分子和開發者發表演講。他對開發演算法和從事機器學習的熱情使他主要將這項技術應用於教育和醫療領域。

他的目標是通過工作坊和研討會幫助至少 100,000 名有志於編程的人學習如何編寫程式。Tanmay 的 YouTube 頻道名為「Tanmay Teaches」,他因此獲得了多項榮譽,如 IBM 雲端冠軍和 Google 機器學習開發者專家。