Statistics, 13/e (IE-Paperback)

James Bohan




·    25% of the 2,000+ exercises are updated or new, based on contemporary studies and real data. Most of these exercises foster and promote critical thinking skills.

·    Updated technology: all printouts from statistical software (SAS, SPSS, MINITAB, and the TI-83/Tl-84 Plus Graphing Calculator) and corresponding instructions for use have been revised to reflect the latest versions of the software.

·    New Statistics in Action Cases: six of the 14 cases are new or updated, each based on real data from a recent study.

·    Continued emphasis on Ethics: where appropriate, boxes have been added emphasizing the importance of ethical behavior when collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data with statistics.

Pearson MyLab Statistics not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Statistics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. Pearson MyLab Statistics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

·    25% new and updated exercises give students more of the practice they need to succeed.

·    StatCrunch applets have been updated to run in HTML5, so that they are more accessible and will run on most computers and tablets without additional plugins.

·    Data-informed updates: the authors have analyzed aggregated student usage and performance data from the previous edition's Pearson MyLab Statistics course. The results of this analysis helped improved the quality and quantity of exercises that matter most to instructors and students.

Content Changes

  • Chapter 1 (Statistics, Data, and Statistical Thinking): Material on all basic sampling concepts (e.g., random sampling and sample survey designs) has been streamlined and moved to Section 1.5 (Collecting Data: Sampling and Related Issues).
  • Chapter 2 (Methods for Describing Sets of Data): The section on summation notation has been moved to the appendix (Appendix A). Also, recent examples of misleading graphics have been added to Section 2.9 (Distorting the Truth with Descriptive Statistics).
  • Chapter 4 (Discrete Random Variables) and Chapter 5 (Continuous Random Variables): Use of technology for computing probabilities of random variables with known probability distributions (e.g., binomial, Poisson, normal, and exponential distributions) has been incorporated into the relevant sections of these chapters. This reduces the use of tables of probabilities for these distributions.
  • Chapter 6 (Sampling Distributions): In addition to the sampling distribution of the sample mean, we now cover (in new Section 6.4) the sampling distribution of a sample proportion.
  • Chapter 8 (Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Tests of Hypothesis): The section on p-values in hypothesis testing (Section 8.3) has been moved up to emphasize the importance of their use in real-life studies. Throughout the remainder of the text, conclusions from a test of hypothesis are based on p-values


·    McClave and Sincich provide support to students when they are learning to solve problems and when they are studying and reviewing the material.
o “Where We’re Going” bullets begin each chapter, offering learning objectives and providing section numbers that correspond to where each concept is discussed in the chapter.
o Examples foster problem-solving skills by taking a three-step approach: (1) "Problem", (2) "Solution", and (3) "Look Back" (or "Look Ahead"). This step-by-step process provides students with a defined structure by which to approach problems and enhances their problem-solving skills.
o The "Look Back" feature gives helpful hints for solving the problem and/or provides a further reflection or insight into the concept or procedure that is covered.
o A “Now Work” exercise suggestion follows each Example, which provides a practice exercise that is similar in style and concept to the example. Students test and confirm their understanding immediately.
o End-of-chapter summaries now serve as a more effective study aid for students. Important points are reinforced through flow graphs (which aid in selecting the appropriate statistical method) and boxed notes with key words, formulas, definitions, lists, and key concepts.

·    More than 2,000 exercises are included, based on a wide variety of applications in various disciplines and research areas, and more than 25% have been updated for the new edition. Some students have difficulty learning the mechanics of statistical techniques while applying the techniques to real applications. For this reason, exercise sections are divided into four parts:
o Learning the Mechanics: These exercises allow students to test their ability to comprehend a mathematical concept or a definition.
o Applying the ConceptsBasic: Based on applications taken from a wide variety of journals, newspapers, and other sources, these short exercises help students begin developing the skills necessary to diagnose and analyze real-world problems.
o Applying the Concepts—Intermediate: Based on more detailed real-world applications, these exercises require students to apply their knowledge of the technique presented in the section.
o Applying the Concepts—Advanced: These more difficult real-data exercises require students to use critical thinking skills.
o Critical Thinking Challenges: Students apply critical thinking skills to solve one or two challenging real-life problems. These expose students to real-world problems with solutions that are derived from careful, logical thought and use of the appropriate statistical analysis tool.

·    Case studies, applications, and biographies keep students motivated and show the relevance of statistics.
o Ethics Boxes have been added where appropriate to highlight the importance of ethical behavior when collecting, analyzing, and interpreting statistical data.
o Statistics in Action begins each chapter with a case study based on an actual contemporary, controversial, or high-profile issue. Relevant research questions and data from the study are presented and the proper analysis demonstrated in short "Statistics in Action Revisited" sections throughout the chapter.
o Brief Biographies of famous statisticians and their achievements are presented within the main chapter, as well as in marginal boxes. Students develop an appreciation for the statistician's efforts and the discipline of statistics as a whole.

·    Support for statistical software is integrated throughout the text and online, so instructors can focus less time on teaching the software and more time teaching statistics.
o Each statistical analysis method presented is demonstrated using output from SAS, SPSS, and MINITAB. These outputs appear in examples and exercises, exposing students to the output they will encounter in their future careers.
o Using Technology boxes at the end of each chapter offer statistical software tutorials, with step-by-step instructions and screenshots for MINITAB and, where appropriate, the TI-83/84 Plus Graphing Calculator.
o To complement the text, support for the statistical software is available in Pearson MyLab Statistics’ Technology Instruction Videos. Student discounts on select statistical software packages are also available. Ask your Pearson representative for details.

·    Flexibility in Coverage
o Probability and Counting Rules:
§  Probability poses a challenge for instructors because they must decide on the level of presentation, and students find it a difficult subject to comprehend.
§  Unlike other texts that combine probability and counting rules, McClave/Sincich includes the counting rules (with examples) in an appendix rather than in the body of the chapter on probability; the instructor can control the level of coverage of probability covered.
o Multiple Regression and Model Building:
§  Two full chapters are devoted to discussing the major types of inferences that can be derived from a regression analysis, showing how these results appear in the output from statistical software, and, most important, selecting multiple regression models to be used in an analysis.
§  The instructor has the choice of a one-chapter coverage of simple linear regression (Chapter 11), a two-chapter treatment of simple and multiple regression (excluding the sections on model building in Chapter 12), or complete coverage of regression analysis, including model building and regression diagnostics.
§  This extensive coverage of such useful statistical tools will provide added evidence to the student of the relevance of statistics to real-world problems.
o Additional online resources include files for text examples, exercises, Statistics in Action and Real-World case data sets marked with a data set icon. Also available is Chapter 14, Nonparametric Statistics, and a set of applets that allow students to run simulations that visually demonstrate some of the difficult statistical concepts (e.g., sampling distributions and confidence intervals).
o Role of calculus:
§  Although the text is designed for students without a calculus background, footnotes explain the role of calculus in various derivations.
§  Footnotes are also used to inform the student about some of the theory underlying certain methods of analysis. They provide additional flexibility in the mathematical and theoretical level at which the material is presented.

Pearson MyLab Statistics not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Statistics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. Pearson MyLab Statistics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.



· 25% 的 2,000+ 練習題是根據當代研究和真實數據更新或新增的。這些練習題大多促進和培養批判性思維技能。

· 更新的技術:所有來自統計軟體(SAS、SPSS、MINITAB 和 TI-83/TI-84 Plus 圖形計算器)的列印資料及相應的使用說明已修訂,以反映最新版本的軟體。

· 新的 Statistics in Action 案例:14 個案例中有六個是新的或更新的,每個案例都基於最近研究的真實數據。

· 持續強調倫理:在適當的地方,增加了強調在收集、分析和解釋數據時遵循倫理行為重要性的框框。

Pearson MyLab Statistics 不包含在內。學生們,如果 Pearson MyLab Statistics 是課程的推薦/必修組成部分,請向您的講師詢問正確的 ISBN 和課程 ID。只有在講師要求時,才應購買 Pearson MyLab Statistics。講師們,請聯繫您的 Pearson 代表以獲取更多資訊。

· 25% 的新和更新練習題為學生提供了更多成功所需的練習。

· StatCrunch™ 小程式已更新為 HTML5 格式,使其更易於訪問,並且可以在大多數計算機和平板電腦上運行,而無需額外的插件。

· 數據驅動的更新:作者分析了前一版 Pearson MyLab Statistics 課程的學生使用和表現數據。這項分析的結果有助於提高對講師和學生最重要的練習題的質量和數量。


- 第 1 章(統計、數據和統計思維):所有基本抽樣概念(例如,隨機抽樣和樣本調查設計)的材料已被精簡並移至第 1.5 節(收集數據:抽樣及相關問題)。
- 第 2 章(描述數據集的方法):總和符號的部分已移至附錄(附錄 A)。此外,最近的誤導性圖形示例已添加至第 2.9 節(用描述性統計扭曲真相)。
- 第 4 章(離散隨機變數)和第 5 章(連續隨機變數):已將使用技術計算已知概率分佈的隨機變數的概率(例如,二項分佈、泊松分佈、正態分佈和指數分佈)納入這些章節的相關部分。這減少了對這些分佈的概率表的使用。
- 第 6 章(抽樣分佈):除了樣本均值的抽樣分佈外,我們現在在新第 6.4 節中涵蓋樣本比例的抽樣分佈。
- 第 8 章(基於單一樣本的推論:假設檢驗):假設檢驗中 p 值的部分(第 8.3 節)已提前,以強調其在現實研究中的重要性。在其餘文本中,假設檢驗的結論基於 p 值。


· McClave 和 Sincich 在學生學習解決問題以及學習和複習材料時提供支持。
- “我們的方向”要點開始每一章,提供學習目標並提供與每個概念在章節中討論的位置相對應的節號。
- 示例通過三步驟方法促進問題解決技能:(1)“問題”,(2)“解決方案”,和(3)“回顧”(或“展望”)。


James T. McClave, University of Florida
Terry T Sincich, University of South Florida


詹姆斯·T·麥克拉夫(James T. McClave),佛羅里達大學
特里·T·辛奇(Terry T Sincich),南佛羅里達大學


1. Statistics, Data, and Statistical Thinking
2. Methods for Describing Sets of Data
3. Probability
4. Discrete Random Variables
5. Continuous Random Variables
6. Sampling Distributions
7. Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Estimation with Confidence Intervals
8. Inferences Based on a Single: Tests of Hypohesis
9. Inferences Based on Two Samples: Confidence Intervals and Tests of Hypotheses
10. Analysis of Variance: Comparing More than Two Means
11. Simple Linear Regression
12. Multiple Regression and Model Building
13. Categorical Data Analysis
14. Nonparametric Statistics (available online)
Short Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Exercises


1. 統計、數據與統計思維
2. 描述數據集的方法
3. 機率
4. 離散隨機變數
5. 連續隨機變數
6. 抽樣分布
7. 基於單一樣本的推論:使用信賴區間的估計
8. 基於單一樣本的推論:假設檢定
9. 基於兩個樣本的推論:信賴區間與假設檢定
10. 方差分析:比較多於兩個的均值
11. 簡單線性回歸
12. 多重回歸與模型建立
13. 類別數據分析
14. 非參數統計(可在線獲得)