Beginning Game Programming, 4/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 遊戲程式設計入門(第4版)

Jonathan S. Harbour



This completely updated fourth edition of the popular BEGINNING GAME PROGRAMMING will introduce you to the fascinating world of game programming for Windows using Visual Studio 2013 and DirectX. The book requires only a basic understanding of the C++ language and provides a solid introduction to DirectX programming. You'll learn the basics of making sprite-based games without getting bogged down in complex 3D rendering. The instruction is step-by-step, building as you go. Even if you're new to the subject, you will be able to follow along, learning how to take your game ideas from concept to reality using today's standard professional game-creation tools. At the end of the book, you will put your new skills to use creating your own complete, fully functional game. Get started in game programming today, with BEGINNING GAME PROGRAMMING, FOURTH EDITION.


這本完全更新的《BEGINNING GAME PROGRAMMING》第四版將帶您進入使用 Visual Studio 2013 和 DirectX 的 Windows 遊戲程式設計迷人世界。本書僅需對 C++ 語言有基本了解,並提供 DirectX 程式設計的堅實入門。您將學習如何製作基於精靈的遊戲,而不會陷入複雜的 3D 渲染中。教學是逐步進行的,隨著學習逐漸深入。即使您對這個主題是新手,也能夠跟上進度,學習如何使用當今標準的專業遊戲創建工具,將您的遊戲構思變為現實。在書的最後,您將運用新技能創建自己的完整、功能完善的遊戲。今天就開始您的遊戲程式設計之旅,與《BEGINNING GAME PROGRAMMING》第四版一起學習。