How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information

Cairo, Alberto



We've all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if we don't understand what we're looking at? Social media has made charts, infographics, and diagrams ubiquitous--and easier to share than ever. We associate charts with science and reason; the flashy visuals are both appealing and persuasive. Pie charts, maps, bar and line graphs, and scatter plots (to name a few) can better inform us, revealing patterns and trends hidden behind the numbers we encounter in our lives. In short, good charts make us smarter--if we know how to read them.

However, they can also lead us astray. Charts lie in a variety of ways--displaying incomplete or inaccurate data, suggesting misleading patterns, and concealing uncertainty--or are frequently misunderstood, such as the confusing cone of uncertainty maps shown on TV every hurricane season. To make matters worse, many of us are ill-equipped to interpret the visuals that politicians, journalists, advertisers, and even our employers present each day, enabling bad actors to easily manipulate them to promote their own agendas.

In How Charts Lie, data visualization expert Alberto Cairo teaches us to not only spot the lies in deceptive visuals, but also to take advantage of good ones to understand complex stories. Public conversations are increasingly propelled by numbers, and to make sense of them we must be able to decode and use visual information. By examining contemporary examples ranging from election-result infographics to global GDP maps and box-office record charts, How Charts Lie demystifies an essential new literacy, one that will make us better equipped to navigate our data-driven world.


我們都聽過一張圖勝過千言萬語的說法,但如果我們不了解我們所看到的內容呢?社交媒體使圖表、資訊圖表和圖解變得無所不在,並且比以往更容易分享。我們將圖表與科學和理性聯繫在一起;華麗的視覺效果既吸引人又具有說服力。餅圖、地圖、柱狀圖和折線圖以及散點圖(僅舉幾例)可以更好地告訴我們,揭示我們生活中遇到的數字背後隱藏的模式和趨勢。簡而言之,好的圖表使我們更聰明 - 前提是我們知道如何閱讀它們。

然而,它們也可能引導我們走錯路。圖表以各種方式說謊 - 顯示不完整或不準確的數據,暗示誤導性的模式,並隱藏不確定性 - 或者經常被誤解,例如每個颶風季節在電視上顯示的令人困惑的不確定性圖。更糟糕的是,我們中的許多人缺乏解讀政治家、記者、廣告商甚至我們雇主每天呈現的視覺內容的能力,這使得不良行為者能夠輕易地操縱它們以推動自己的議程。

在《圖表如何說謊》中,數據可視化專家阿爾貝托·開羅教導我們不僅要識別具有欺騙性的視覺效果中的謊言,還要利用好的視覺效果來理解複雜的故事。公眾對話越來越多地受到數字的推動,為了理解它們,我們必須能夠解碼和使用視覺信息。通過檢視從選舉結果資訊圖表到全球 GDP 地圖和票房記錄圖表的當代例子,《圖表如何說謊》揭開了一種重要的新素養,這將使我們更好地應對數據驅動的世界。