The best practice and preparation for the UPDATED CCNA certification exam
CCNA Certification Practice Tests, Second Edition, is the perfect way to practice for updated certification Exam 200-301 v1.1 as you prepare to take your IT career to the next level. The book includes 1,200 domain-by-domain practice questions, so you can hone your test-taking skill and succeed in obtaining your certification. The CCNA certification has been revised and redesigned, and this updated second edition covers the latest exam objectives, including network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.
You also get one year of FREE access to the online text bank, so you can work through practice questions from anywhere, reinforcing your skills and knowledge. The CCNA certification proves your skill in a broad range of fundamentals, helping you progress in any IT career. And after you work through these test questions, you'll be thoroughly ready to pass the exam!
- Study 100% of the topics covered on the Cisco CCNA certification exam
- Get access to 1,200 practice questions, in the book and online
- Gain familiarity with the wording of test questions so you're prepared on test day
- Identify the test objectives you need the most work in so you can maximize your study time
This Sybex collection of practice questions is perfect for anyone wanting to earn their CCNA certification, and it pairs well with the CCNA Certification Study Guide: Exam 200-301 v1.1, Second Edition.
更新版 CCNA 認證考試的最佳實踐與準備
CCNA 認證練習測驗,第二版 是為了準備參加更新版認證考試 200-301 v1.1 的完美練習方式,幫助您將 IT 職業提升到新的層次。這本書包含 1,200 道按領域劃分的練習題,讓您能夠磨練考試技巧,成功獲得認證。CCNA 認證已經過修訂和重新設計,這本更新的第二版涵蓋了最新的考試目標,包括網路基礎、網路存取、IP 連接性、IP 服務、安全基礎以及自動化和可程式化。
您還可以獲得一年的免費線上題庫存取權,讓您可以隨時隨地練習題目,加強您的技能和知識。CCNA 認證證明您在廣泛的基礎知識方面的技能,幫助您在任何 IT 職業中進步。在您完成這些測驗題後,您將完全準備好通過考試!
- 學習 Cisco CCNA 認證考試涵蓋的 100% 主題
- 獲得 1,200 道練習題的存取權,包括書中和線上
- 熟悉考題的措辭,讓您在考試日做好準備
- 識別您最需要加強的考試目標,以便最大化您的學習時間
這本 Sybex 的練習題集非常適合任何想要獲得 CCNA 認證的人,並且與 CCNA 認證學習指南:考試 200-301 v1.1,第二版 搭配使用效果極佳。