Leading Cisco authority Todd Lammle helps you gain insights into the UPDATED Cisco CCNA Certification Exam 200-301!
The CCNA Certification Study Guide Volume 1: Exam 200-301, Second Edition, is an important resource for those preparing for the new Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification exam as well as IT professionals looking to understand Cisco's latest networking products, services, and technologies. Written by bestselling author and internationally recognized Cisco expert Todd Lammle, this in-depth guide provides the fundamental knowledge required to implement and administer a broad range of modern networking and IT infrastructure.
Cisco is the worldwide leader in network technologies--80% of the routers on the Internet are Cisco. This authoritative book provides you with a solid foundation in Cisco networking, enabling you to apply your technical knowledge to real-world tasks. Clear and accurate chapters cover topics including routers, switches, controllers and other network components, physical interface and cabling, IPv6 addressing, discovery protocols, wireless infrastructure, security features and encryption protocols, controller-based and software-defined architectures, and more. After reading this essential guide, you will understand:
- Network Fundamentals
- Network Access
- IP Connectivity
- IP Services
- Security Fundamentals
- Automation and Programmability
**資深思科專家 Todd Lammle 幫助您深入了解更新版的思科 CCNA 認證考試 200-301!**
《CCNA 認證學習指南 第1卷:考試 200-301,第二版》是為準備新的思科認證網路助理(CCNA)認證考試的人士以及希望了解思科最新網路產品、服務和技術的 IT 專業人士提供的重要資源。這本深入的指南由暢銷書作者及國際知名的思科專家 Todd Lammle 撰寫,提供了實施和管理各種現代網路和 IT 基礎設施所需的基本知識。
思科是全球網路技術的領導者——互聯網上 80% 的路由器都是思科的。這本權威的書籍為您提供了堅實的思科網路基礎,使您能夠將技術知識應用於實際任務。清晰且準確的章節涵蓋了路由器、交換機、控制器及其他網路元件、物理介面和布線、IPv6 位址、發現協議、無線基礎設施、安全功能和加密協議、基於控制器和軟體定義的架構等主題。閱讀這本必備指南後,您將了解:
- 網路基礎
- 網路存取
- IP 連接性
- IP 服務
- 安全基礎
- 自動化和可程式化
《CCNA 認證學習指南 第1卷:考試 200-301,第二版》是任何準備新 CCNA 認證或希望獲得思科網路技術基本理解的人的必讀書籍。