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$352R 語言編程藝術 (The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design)
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With the advancement of statistical methodology inextricably linked to the use of computers, new methodological ideas must be translated into usable code and then numerically evaluated relative to competing procedures. In response to this, Statistical Computing in C++ and R concentrates on the writing of code rather than the development and study of numerical algorithms per se. The book discusses code development in C++ and R and the use of these symbiotic languages in unison. It emphasizes that each offers distinct features that, when used in tandem, can take code writing beyond what can be obtained from either language alone.
The text begins with some basics of object-oriented languages, followed by a "boot-camp" on the use of C++ and R. The authors then discuss code development for the solution of specific computational problems that are relevant to statistics including optimization, numerical linear algebra, and random number generation. Later chapters introduce abstract data structures (ADTs) and parallel computing concepts. The appendices cover R and UNIX Shell programming.
- Includes numerous student exercises ranging from elementary to challenging
- Integrates both C++ and R for the solution of statistical computing problems
- Uses C++ code in R and R functions in C++ programs
- Provides downloadable programs, available from the authors’ website
The translation of a mathematical problem into its computational analog (or analogs) is a skill that must be learned, like any other, by actively solving relevant problems. The text reveals the basic principles of algorithmic thinking essential to the modern statistician as well as the fundamental skill of communicating with a computer through the use of the computer languages C++ and R. The book lays the foundation for original code development in a research environment.
隨著統計方法論的進步與電腦使用密不可分,新方法論的想法必須轉化為可用的程式碼,然後相對於競爭程序進行數值評估。為了應對這一需求,《Statistical Computing in C++ and R》專注於程式碼的撰寫,而非數值演算法本身的開發和研究。這本書討論了在 C++ 和 R 中的程式碼開發,以及這兩種相輔相成的語言如何協同使用。它強調每種語言都提供了獨特的特性,當這些特性結合使用時,可以使程式碼撰寫超越單獨使用任一語言所能達到的效果。
本書從物件導向語言的一些基本概念開始,接著進行 C++ 和 R 的「訓練營」。作者隨後討論了針對與統計相關的特定計算問題的程式碼開發,包括優化、數值線性代數和隨機數生成。後面的章節介紹了抽象資料結構(ADTs)和並行計算的概念。附錄涵蓋了 R 和 UNIX Shell 程式設計。
- 包含從基礎到具挑戰性的眾多學生練習
- 整合 C++ 和 R 以解決統計計算問題
- 在 R 中使用 C++ 程式碼,並在 C++ 程式中使用 R 函數
- 提供可從作者網站下載的程式
將數學問題轉化為其計算類比(或類比)的能力是一項必須學習的技能,像其他技能一樣,需透過積極解決相關問題來掌握。這本書揭示了現代統計學家所需的算法思維基本原則,以及通過使用 C++ 和 R 這兩種電腦語言與電腦進行溝通的基本技能。該書為在研究環境中開發原始程式碼奠定了基礎。