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Since its release, Spring Framework has transformed virtually every aspect of Java development including web applications, security, aspect-oriented programming, persistence, and messaging. Spring Batch, one of its newer additions, now brings the same familiar Spring idioms to batch processing. Spring Batch addresses the needs of any batch process, from the complex calculations performed in the biggest financial institutions to simple data migrations that occur with many software development projects.
Pro Spring Batch is intended to answer three questions:
- What? What is batch processing? What does it entail? What makes it different from the other applications we are developing? What are the challenges inherent in the development of a batch process?
- Why? Why do batch processing? Why can’t we just process things as we get them? Why do we do batch processing differently than the web applications that we currently work on?
- How? How to implement a robust, scalable, distributed batch processing system using open-source frameworks
Pro Spring Batch gives concrete examples of how each piece of functionality is used and why it would be used in a real-world application. This includes providing tips that the "school of hard knocks" has taught author Michael Minella during his experience with Spring Batch. Pro Spring Batch includes examples of I/O options that are not mentioned in the official user’s guide, as well as performance tips on things like how to limit the impact of maintaining the state of your jobs.
The author also walks you through, from end to end, the design and implementation of a batch process based upon a theoretical real-world example. This includes basic project setup, implementation, testing, tuning and scaling for large volumes.
What you’ll learn
- Batch concepts and how they relate to the Spring Batch framework
- How to use declarative I/O using the Spring Batch readers/writers
- Data integrity techniques used by Spring Batch, including transactions and job state/restartability
- How to scale batch jobs via distributed batch processing
- How to handle testing batch processes (Unit and functional)
Who this book is for
- Java developers with Spring experience.
- Java Architects designing batch solutions
Table of Contents
- Batch and Spring
- Spring Batch 101
- Sample Job
- Understanding Jobs and Steps
- Job Repository and Metadata
- Running a Job
- Readers
- Item Processors
- Item Writers
- Sample Application
- Scaling and Tuning
- Testing Batch Processes
自從發布以來,Spring Framework 已經改變了 Java 開發的幾乎每個方面,包括網頁應用程式、安全性、面向方面的程式設計、持久性和消息傳遞。Spring Batch 作為其較新的補充之一,現在將熟悉的 Spring 語法帶入批次處理。Spring Batch 滿足任何批次處理的需求,從大型金融機構進行的複雜計算到許多軟體開發專案中發生的簡單數據遷移。
《Pro Spring Batch》旨在回答三個問題:
- **什麼?** 什麼是批次處理?它包含什麼?它與我們正在開發的其他應用程式有何不同?批次處理的開發中固有的挑戰是什麼?
- **為什麼?** 為什麼要進行批次處理?為什麼我們不能在獲取資料時就處理它們?為什麼我們的批次處理與目前正在開發的網頁應用程式不同?
- **如何?** 如何使用開源框架實現一個穩健、可擴展、分散式的批次處理系統?
《Pro Spring Batch》提供了具體的範例,說明每個功能如何使用以及為什麼在實際應用中會使用它。這包括提供作者 **Michael Minella** 在使用 Spring Batch 過程中從「艱難的學校」中學到的技巧。《Pro Spring Batch》還包括官方使用者指南中未提及的 I/O 選項範例,以及如何限制維護作業狀態影響的性能提示。
### 您將學到的內容
- 批次概念及其與 Spring Batch 框架的關係
- 如何使用 Spring Batch 的讀取器/寫入器進行聲明式 I/O
- Spring Batch 使用的數據完整性技術,包括事務和作業狀態/可重啟性
- 如何通過分散式批次處理擴展批次作業
- 如何處理批次處理的測試(單元測試和功能測試)
### 本書適合誰
- 具有 Spring 經驗的 Java 開發人員。
- 設計批次解決方案的 Java 架構師。
更具體地說,本書適合那些在核心 Java 平台上有堅實基礎的人。批次處理涵蓋了廣泛的主題,並非所有主題在本書中都有詳細介紹。讀者應該對 Java 中的概念感到熟悉,包括文件 I/O、JDBC 和事務。考慮到 Spring Batch 是建立在開源 IoC 容器 Spring 之上的框架,而本書不會涵蓋這部分內容,因此預期讀者對其概念和慣例應該是熟悉的。考慮到這一點,讀者不需要對 Spring Batch 框架有任何先前的接觸。所有與之相關的概念將詳細解釋,並提供可運行的範例。
### 目錄
1. 批次與 Spring
2. Spring Batch 101
3. 範例作業
4. 理解作業和步驟
5. 作業儲存庫和元數據
6. 執行作業
7. 讀取器
8. 項目處理器
9. 項目寫入器
10. 範例應用程式
11. 擴展與調整
12. 測試批次處理