Embedded C Coding Standard (Paperback) (嵌入式 C 編碼標準)

Michael Barr




Netrino's Embedded C Coding Standard was developed from the ground up to minimize bugs in firmware, by focusing on practical rules that keep bugs out-while also improving the maintainability and portability of embedded software. The coding standard details a set of guiding principles (more below) as well as specific naming conventions and other rules for the use of data types, functions, preprocessor macros, variables and much more. Individual rules that have been demonstrated to reduce or eliminate certain types of bugs are highlighted.


Netrino 的嵌入式 C 編碼標準是從零開始開發的,旨在通過專注於實用規則來最小化韌體中的錯誤,這些規則能有效防止錯誤的產生,同時提高嵌入式軟體的可維護性和可攜性。該編碼標準詳細說明了一套指導原則(詳情見下文),以及對數據類型、函數、預處理器宏、變數等使用的具體命名慣例和其他規則。已經證明能減少或消除某些類型錯誤的個別規則也被特別強調。