iPhone: The Missing Manual, 6/e (Paperback)
暫譯: iPhone:缺失的手冊,第6版(平裝本)

David Pogue



With iPhone 5 and iOS 6, Apple continues to come up with new and amazing features. This sleek pocket computer has a cellphone, iPod, Internet, camcorder - everything except a printed manual. That's where this top-selling Missing Manual comes in. You get complete guided tour of iPhone 5, with step-by-step instructions and lots of inside tips, tricks, and surprises you won't find anywhere else. Use it as a phone. Learn the basics as well as time-saving tricks and tips for texting, contact searching, and more. Manage your stuff in the cloud. Sync and back up your contacts and media across all of your devices with iCloud. Capture the moment. Take and edit great photos, and shoot sharp video. Voice your desires. Ask Siri to send reminders, place calls, and play songs. Master notifications. Use the Notification Center to find missed messages, calendar invitations, and friend requests. Connect with other iPhone owners. Send unlimited iMessages to friends, family, and colleagues who run iOS 6. Treat it as an iPod. Master the ins and outs of iTunes, and listen to music, upload and view photos, and fill the iPhone with TV shows and movies. Take you phone online. Make the most of your online experience to browse the Web, read and compose email, use social networks, or send photos and audio files. Go beyond the iPhone. Use the App Store, multitask between your apps, and read ebooks in iBooks.


隨著 iPhone 5 和 iOS 6 的推出,Apple 繼續推出新穎且驚人的功能。這款時尚的口袋電腦集手機、iPod、網際網路、攝影機於一身——除了印刷手冊之外應有盡有。這就是這本暢銷的《Missing Manual》所要解決的問題。您將獲得 iPhone 5 的完整導覽,包含逐步指導和許多獨家技巧、竅門及驚喜,這些在其他地方都找不到。將其用作電話。學習基本操作以及節省時間的技巧和提示,例如簡訊、聯絡人搜尋等。管理您的雲端資料。使用 iCloud 在所有設備之間同步和備份您的聯絡人和媒體。捕捉瞬間。拍攝和編輯精彩的照片,並錄製清晰的視頻。表達您的需求。請 Siri 幫您發送提醒、撥打電話和播放音樂。掌握通知。使用通知中心查找未接消息、日曆邀請和好友請求。與其他 iPhone 擁有者連接。向使用 iOS 6 的朋友、家人和同事發送無限的 iMessage。將其視為 iPod。掌握 iTunes 的各種功能,聆聽音樂、上傳和查看照片,並將 iPhone 填滿電視節目和電影。將您的手機連接到網路。充分利用您的網路體驗,瀏覽網頁、閱讀和撰寫電子郵件、使用社交網路,或發送照片和音頻檔案。超越 iPhone。使用 App Store,在應用程式之間多工處理,並在 iBooks 中閱讀電子書。