jQuery UI (Paperback)
暫譯: jQuery UI (平裝本)

Eric Sarrion



The jQueryUI applies the power and standards of jQuery to user interface design. The library provides elegant versions of many features HTML5 lacks, including tabs, accordions, and dialogs. It also provides programming support for common but complex tasks like managing drag and drop and autocomplete. This code-heavy guide demonstrates how to apply this power to common web situations.


jQueryUI 將 jQuery 的強大功能和標準應用於使用者介面設計。這個函式庫提供了許多 HTML5 所缺乏的優雅功能版本,包括標籤頁、手風琴和對話框。它還提供了對於常見但複雜任務的程式設計支援,例如管理拖放和自動完成。這本以程式碼為主的指南展示了如何將這些功能應用於常見的網頁情境。