Atmospheric Monitoring With Arduino: Building Simple Devices to Collect Data About the Environment (Paperback)
暫譯: 使用 Arduino 進行大氣監測:構建簡單設備以收集環境數據 (平裝本)
Patrick Di Justo, Emily Gertz
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Makers around the globe are building low-cost devices to monitor the environment, and with this hands-on guide, so can you. Through succinct tutorials, illustrations, and clear step-by-step instructions, you’ll learn how to create gadgets for examining the quality of our atmosphere, using Arduino and several inexpensive sensors.
Detect harmful gases, dust particles such as smoke and smog, and upper atmospheric haze—substances and conditions that are often invisible to your senses. You’ll also discover how to use the scientific method to help you learn even more from your atmospheric tests.
- Get up to speed on Arduino with a quick electronics primer
- Build a tropospheric gas sensor to detect carbon monoxide, LPG, butane, methane, benzene, and many other gases
- Create an LED Photometer to measure how much of the sun’s blue, green, and red light waves are penetrating the atmosphere
- Build an LED sensitivity detector—and discover which light wavelengths each LED in your Photometer is receptive to
- Learn how measuring light wavelengths lets you determine the amount of water vapor, ozone, and other substances in the atmosphere
- Upload your data to Cosm and share it with others via the Internet
"The future will rely on citizen scientists collecting and analyzing their own data. The easy and fun gadgets in this book show everyone from Arduino beginners to experienced Makers how best to do that."
--Chris Anderson, Editor in Chief of Wired magazine, author of Makers: The New Industrial Revolution (Crown Business)
全球的創客們正在建造低成本的設備來監測環境,透過這本實用指南,你也可以做到。透過簡潔的教程、插圖和清晰的逐步指導,你將學會如何使用 Arduino 和幾種廉價的感測器來創建檢測我們大氣質量的小工具。
- 快速了解 Arduino 的電子學基礎
- 建造一個對流層氣體感測器,以檢測一氧化碳、液化石油氣、丁烷、甲烷、苯及其他多種氣體
- 創建一個 LED 光度計,以測量太陽的藍光、綠光和紅光波長穿透大氣的程度
- 建造一個 LED 敏感度檢測器,並發現你的光度計中每個 LED 對哪些光波長敏感
- 學習如何通過測量光波長來確定大氣中的水蒸氣、臭氧和其他物質的含量
- 將你的數據上傳到 Cosm,並通過互聯網與他人分享
「未來將依賴公民科學家收集和分析他們自己的數據。本書中的簡單有趣的小工具向從 Arduino 初學者到經驗豐富的創客展示了最佳的實現方式。」
--Chris Anderson,《Wired》雜誌主編,《創客:新工業革命》(Crown Business)一書的作者