Java Web Services: Up and Running, 2/e (Paperback)

Martin Kalin




content<div><p>Learn how to develop REST-style and SOAP-based web services and clients with this quick and thorough introduction. This hands-on book delivers a clear, pragmatic approach to web services by providing an architectural overview, complete working code examples, and short yet precise instructions for compiling, deploying, and executing them. You’ll learn how to write services from scratch and integrate existing services into your Java applications. </p><p> With greater emphasis on REST-style services, this second edition covers HttpServlet, Restlet, and JAX-RS APIs; jQuery clients against REST-style services; and JAX-WS for SOAP-based services. Code samples include an Apache Ant script that compiles, packages, and deploys web services. </p><ul><li>Learn differences and similarities between REST-style and SOAP-based services </li><li>Program and deliver RESTful web services, using Java APIs and implementations </li><li>Explore RESTful web service clients written in Java, JavaScript, and Perl </li><li>Write SOAP-based web services with an emphasis on the application level </li><li>Examine the handler and transport levels in SOAP-based messaging </li><li>Learn wire-level security in HTTP(S), users/roles security, and WS-Security </li><li>Use a Java Application Server (JAS) as an alternative to a standalone web server </li></ul></div>sourceProduct Descriptioncontent<div class="aplus"> <h4>Q&A with Martin Kalin, author of "Java Web Services: Up and Running, 2nd Edition"</h4> <p><strong>Q. Why is your second edition of “Java Web Services: Up and Running” important for people to read right now?</strong></p> <p>A. Web services and their clients are an increasingly prominent aspect of the web. For example, social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr together with e-commerce sites such as Amazon and eBay make available, through web services, the same data and functionality available through traditional websites. Indeed, it is rare nowadays to develop a website that is not paired with a web service. </p> <p><strong>Q. What will readers walk away with after reading "Java Web Services: Up and Running?"</strong></p> <p>A. The main informational points can be summarized as follows: <ul><li>Web services are a way to deliver data and functionality using existing technologies and infrastructures already in place. Such services represent a low-fuss approach to web-based applications.</li> <li>Web services represent a straightforward way to automate web-based tasks (for instance, ordering supplies from a vendor) and to integrate legacy software systems (for instance, a legacy COBOL system) with more modern systems.</li> <li>Web services are platform and language neutral: a web service written in a particular language and published on a particular platform is accessible to clients written in many other languages and executing on basically any computing device, from an industrial-strength server to a cell phone.</li> <li>Java provides complete coverage of web services, on the service and the client side; Java provides such coverage with rich options for programming and publishing web services.</li> <li>Web services come in two major flavors, REST-style and SOAP-based, and Java has excellent support for each flavor—on the service and the client side.</li></ul></p> <p>The book emphasizes code, on both the service and the client side. Accordingly, there are various full-code examples, on the service side, for all of popular Java APIs for doing REST-style and SOAP-based web services: HttpServlet, JAX-RS, Restlet, JAX-WS. There are also extensive examples on the client side, including clients against popular real-world services such as those from Amazon and Twitter. The book includes a full chapter on wire-level and users/roles security. </p> <p><strong>Q. What's the most exciting and important thing happening in this Java web services?</strong></p> <p>A. The distinction between traditional HTML-based websites and web services continues to blur. For one thing, modern websites typically contain JavaScript (in one dialect or another) embedded within the HTML; and embedded JavaScript is increasingly used to write clients against web services. </p> <p><strong>Q. Can you give us a few tips when getting started with Java Web Services?</strong></p> <p>A. 1. Traditional programming skills used to create Java-based websites using the JSP/ HttpServlet APIs transfer nicely to REST-style web services. The publication of a Java-based web service is essentially the same as that for a Java-based website (for example, a web server such as Tomcat or Jetty can be used for either). <br><br>2. Despite the growing popularity of REST-style services, SOAP-based services delivered over HTTP/HTTPS remain a programmer-friendly variant of REST-style services; and SOAP-based clients are typically easier to write than REST-style ones. <br><br>3. Programming a web service and then publishing it are nicely separated concerns: In general, how the service is programmed (for instance, the APIs used) has little or no impact on how the service is published (for instance, with a command-line publisher, a commercial-grade web server such as Tomcat, or a full-blown Java Application Server such as GlassFish or JBoss). <br><br>4. jQuery and other JavaScript dialects make it increasingly easy to embed web-service clients within HTML pages. <br><br>5. Securing a web service is essentially the same as securing a web site. </p> </div> Review


學習如何開發 REST 風格和基於 SOAP 的網路服務和客戶端,這本快速而全面的介紹將幫助你。這本實踐性的書籍通過提供架構概述、完整的工作代碼示例和簡潔明確的編譯、部署和執行指南,提供了一種清晰而實用的方法來理解網路服務。你將學習如何從頭開始編寫服務並將現有服務集成到你的 Java 應用程序中。

第二版更加強調 REST 風格的服務,涵蓋了 HttpServlet、Restlet 和 JAX-RS API;使用 jQuery 客戶端對 REST 風格的服務進行操作;以及 JAX-WS 用於基於 SOAP 的服務。代碼示例包括一個 Apache Ant 腳本,用於編譯、打包和部署網路服務。

學習 REST 風格和基於 SOAP 的服務之間的差異和相似之處。
使用 Java API 和實現來編寫和提供 RESTful 網路服務。
探索使用 Java、JavaScript 和 Perl 編寫的 RESTful 網路服務客戶端。
重點介紹基於應用層的基於 SOAP 的網路服務。
研究基於 SOAP 的消息傳遞中的處理程序和傳輸層。
學習 HTTP(S) 的線路級安全性、使用者/角色安全性和 WS-Security。
使用 Java 應用服務器 (JAS) 作為獨立網路服務器的替代方案。

與 Martin Kalin, 《Java Web Services: Up and Running, 2nd Edition》的作者進行問答
問:為什麼現在閱讀您的《Java Web Services: Up and Running》第二版對人們來說很重要?

問:讀者閱讀完《Java Web Services: Up and Running》後會有什麼收穫?
- 網路服務是使用現有技術和基礎設施提供數據和功能的一種方式。這些服務代表了一種低成本的網路應用程序方法。
- 網路服務是自動化網路任務(例如從供應商訂購物資)和將遺留軟件系統(例如遺留的COBOL系統)與更現代化的系統集成的簡單方法。
- 網路服務是平台和語言中立的:用特定語言編寫並在特定平台上發布的網路服務可以被用許多其他語言編寫的客戶端訪問,並在從強大的伺服器到手機等各種計算設備上執行。
- Java 提供了完整的網路服務支持,包括服務端和客戶端;Java 提供了豐富的選項來編程和發布網路服務。
- 網路服務有兩種主要風格,REST 風格和基於 SOAP 的風格,而 Java 對每種風格都有出色的支持,包括服務端和客戶端。

這本書強調代碼,無論是服務端還是客戶端。因此,書中有各種完整的代碼示例,用於所有流行的 Java API,用於進行 REST 風格和基於 SOAP 的網路服務:HttpServlet、JAX-RS、Restlet、JAX-WS。還有大量的客戶端示例,包括客戶端使用 Java、JavaScript 和 Perl 編寫。