Designing for Behavior Change: Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics (Paperback)

Stephen Wendel




A new wave of products is helping people change their behavior and daily routines, whether it’s exercising more (Jawbone Up), taking control of their finances (HelloWallet), or organizing their email (Mailbox). This practical guide shows you how to design these types of products for users seeking to take action and achieve specific goals.

Stephen Wendel, HelloWallet’s head researcher, takes you step-by-step through the process of applying behavioral economics and psychology to the practical problems of product design and development. Using a combination of lean and agile development methods, you’ll learn a simple iterative approach for identifying target users and behaviors, building the product, and gauging its effectiveness. Discover how to create easy-to-use products to help people make positive changes.

  • Learn the three main strategies to help people change behavior
  • Identify your target audience and the behaviors they seek to change
  • Extract user stories and identify obstacles to behavior change
  • Develop effective interface designs that are enjoyable to use
  • Measure your product’s impact and learn ways to improve it
  • Use practical examples from products like Nest, Fitbit, and Opower


一系列新產品正在幫助人們改變他們的行為和日常習慣,無論是更多運動(Jawbone Up)、掌控財務(HelloWallet)還是整理郵件(Mailbox)。這本實用指南將向您展示如何為那些希望採取行動並實現特定目標的用戶設計這些類型的產品。

HelloWallet的首席研究員Stephen Wendel將逐步指導您如何將行為經濟學和心理學應用於產品設計和開發的實際問題上。通過結合精益和敏捷開發方法,您將學習一種簡單的迭代方法,用於確定目標用戶和行為、建立產品以及評估其效果。了解如何創建易於使用的產品,幫助人們做出積極的改變。

- 學習三種幫助人們改變行為的主要策略
- 確定目標受眾及其希望改變的行為
- 提取用戶故事並確定行為改變的障礙
- 開發易於使用且令人愉悅的界面設計
- 測量產品的影響並學習改進方法
- 使用Nest、Fitbit和Opower等產品的實際示例
