Getting Started with CNC: Personal Digital Fabrication with Shapeoko and Other Computer-Controlled Routers (Make)

Edward Ford

  • 出版商: Maker Media, Inc
  • 出版日期: 2016-09-27
  • 售價: $1,020
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$969
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 166
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1457183366
  • ISBN-13: 9781457183362
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約1週~2週)



Getting Started with CNC is the definitive introduction to working with affordable desktop and benchtop CNCs, written by the creator of the popular open hardware CNC, the Shapeoko. Accessible 3D printing introduced the masses to computer-controlled additive fabrication. But the flip side of that is subtractive fabrication: instead of adding material to create a shape like a 3D printer does, a CNC starts with a solid piece of material and takes away from it. Although inexpensive 3D printers can make great things with plastic, a CNC can carve highly durable pieces out of a block of aluminum, wood, and other materials. This book covers the fundamentals of designing for--and working with--affordable ($500-$3000) CNCs.


《CNC入門指南》是一本關於使用經濟實惠的桌上型和工作台型CNC的權威介紹,作者是受歡迎的開放硬體CNC Shapeoko的創造者。可接觸的3D列印讓大眾了解了電腦控制的增材製造。然而,這背後的另一面是減材製造:CNC不是像3D列印機那樣添加材料來創造形狀,而是從一塊實心材料中去除。雖然便宜的3D列印機可以用塑料製作出優秀的作品,但CNC可以從鋁塊、木材和其他材料中雕刻出高度耐用的部件。本書涵蓋了設計和使用經濟實惠的CNC(價格範圍在500到3000美元之間)的基本原則。