Make: Getting Started with Processing: A Hands-On Introduction to Making Interactive Graphics, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: Make: 開始使用 Processing:互動圖形製作的實作入門,第2版 (平裝本)

Casey Reas, Ben Fry



Processing opened up the world of programming to artists, designers, educators, and beginners. This short book gently introduces the core concepts of computer programming and working with Processing. Written by the co-founders of the Processing project, Reas and Fry, Getting Started with Processing shows you how easy it is to make software and systems with interactive graphics. If you're an artist looking to develop interactive graphics programs or a programmer on your way to becoming an artist, this book will take you where you want to go. Updated with new material on graphics manipulation, data, and for the latest version of Processing.


Processing 為藝術家、設計師、教育工作者和初學者打開了程式設計的世界。這本短小的書籍輕鬆地介紹了電腦程式設計的核心概念以及如何使用 Processing。這本書由 Processing 專案的共同創辦人 Reas 和 Fry 撰寫,讓你了解如何輕鬆地製作具有互動圖形的軟體和系統。如果你是一位希望開發互動圖形程式的藝術家,或是一位正在成為藝術家的程式設計師,這本書將帶你到達你想去的地方。書中更新了有關圖形操作、數據以及最新版本 Processing 的新材料。