Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Kalman Toth

  • 出版商: CreateSpace Independ
  • 出版日期: 2012-09-01
  • 售價: $1,130
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,074
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 606
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1479156043
  • ISBN-13: 9781479156047
  • 相關分類: MSSQLSQL資料庫
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Learn beginning level Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database programming and database modeling. Relational database design and SQL (Structured Query Language) programming teach-by-practical-diagrams-&-examples book for developers, programmers, systems analysts and project managers who are new to relational database and client/server technologies. Also for database developers, database designers and database administrators (DBA), who know some SQL programming and database design, and who wish to refresh & expand their RDBMS design & development technology horizons. Familiarity with at least one computer programming language, Windows file system & Excel is assumed. Since the book is career advancement oriented, it has a great number of 3NF database design examples along with practical SQL queries (over 1,100 SELECT queries) and T-SQL scripts, plenty to learn indeed. Great emphasis is placed on explaining the FOREIGN KEY - PRIMARY KEY constraints among tables, the connections which make the collection of individual tables a database. The database diagrams and queries are based on historic and current SQL Server sample databases: pubs (PRIMARY KEYs 9, FOREIGN KEYs 10) , Northwind (PRIMARY KEYs 13, FOREIGN KEYs 13) and the latest AdventureWorks series. Among them: AdventureWorks, AdventureWorks2008, AdventureWorks2012 (PRIMARY KEYs 71, FOREIGN KEYs 90), & AdventureWorksDW2012 (PRIMARY KEYs 27, FOREIGN KEYs 44). The last one is a data warehouse database. Sample databases installation instructions are included. The book teaches through vivid database diagrams and T-SQL queries how to think in terms of sets at a very high level, focusing on set-based operations instead of loops like in procedural programming languages. There is a chapter dedicated to the new programming features of SQL Server 2012. The best way to master T-SQL programming is to type the query in your own SQL Server Management Studio Query Editor, test it, examine it, change it and study it. Wouldn't it be easier just to copy & paste it? It would, but the learning value would diminish rapidly. You need to feel relational database design and the SQL language in your DNA. SQL queries must "pour" out from your fingers into the keyboard. Why is knowing SQL queries by heart so important? After all everything can be found on the web so why not just copy & paste? Well not exactly. If you want to be an database designer & development expert, it has to be in your head not on the web. Second, when your supervisor is looking over your shoulder, "Charlie, can you tell me what is the total revenue for March?", you have to be able to type the query without documentation or SQL forum search and provide the results to your superior promptly. The book was designed to be readable in any environment, even on the beach laptop around or no laptop in sight at all. All queries are followed by results row count and /or full/partial results listing in tabular (grid) format. Screenshots are used when dealing with GUI tools such as SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Server 2012 installation instructions with screenshots are included. Mastery of the database design & SQL programming book likely to be sufficient for career advancement as a database designer and database developer.


學習初級的 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 資料庫程式設計和資料庫建模。這本書是一本以實例圖和範例教學的關於關聯式資料庫設計和 SQL (Structured Query Language) 程式設計的書籍,適合對關聯式資料庫和客戶端/伺服器技術不熟悉的開發人員、程式設計師、系統分析師和專案經理。同樣適用於已經了解一些 SQL 程式設計和資料庫設計的資料庫開發人員、資料庫設計師和資料庫管理員 (DBA),並希望更新和擴展他們的關聯式資料庫管理系統設計和開發技術。預設讀者對至少一種電腦程式語言、Windows 檔案系統和 Excel 有基本熟悉。由於這本書是以職業發展為導向,它包含了大量的第三正規化資料庫設計範例,以及實用的 SQL 查詢 (超過 1,100 個 SELECT 查詢) 和 T-SQL 腳本,非常適合學習。書中非常強調解釋表格之間的外鍵 - 主鍵約束,這些連接使得個別表格成為一個資料庫。資料庫圖表和查詢是基於歷史和目前的 SQL Server 範例資料庫: pubs (主鍵 9,外鍵 10),Northwind (主鍵 13,外鍵 13) 和最新的 AdventureWorks 系列。其中包括: AdventureWorks、AdventureWorks2008、AdventureWorks2012 (主鍵 71,外鍵 90),以及 AdventureWorksDW2012 (主鍵 27,外鍵 44)。最後一個是一個資料倉儲資料庫。書中通過生動的資料庫圖表和 T-SQL 查詢教授如何以集合為基礎思考,專注於集合操作而不是程序式程式設計語言中的迴圈。書中還有一章專門介紹 SQL Server 2012 的新程式設計功能。掌握 T-SQL 程式設計的最佳方法是在自己的 SQL Server Management Studio 查詢編輯器中輸入查詢,測試、檢查、更改和學習。只要複製和貼上不是更容易嗎?是的,但學習價值會迅速減少。你需要將關聯式資料庫設計和 SQL 語言融入你的基因中。SQL 查詢必須從你的手指流入鍵盤。為什麼要記住 SQL 查詢如此重要?畢竟一切都可以在網上找到,為什麼不只是複製和貼上?嗯,不完全是這樣。如果你想成為一個資料庫設計師和開發專家,它必須存在於你的頭腦中,而不是在網上。其次,當你的主管在你的肩膀上看著你時,“Charlie,你能告訴我三月份的總收入是多少嗎?”你必須能夠在沒有文件或 SQL 論壇搜索的情況下輸入查詢並迅速向上級提供結果。這本書設計成在任何環境下都可閱讀,即使在海灘上,無論是帶著筆記型電腦還是根本沒有筆記型電腦。所有查詢都附有結果行數和/或以表格 (網格) 格式列出的完整/部分結果。在處理 SQL Server Management Studio 等圖形使用者介面工具時使用屏幕截圖。書中還包含了 SQL Server 2012 的安裝說明和屏幕截圖。掌握資料庫設計和 SQL 程式設計的技能可能足以在職業發展中成為一名資料庫設計師和資料庫開發人員。