The Definitive Guide to MongoDB: A complete guide to dealing with Big Data using MongoDB

Eelco Plugge



The Definitive Guide to MongoDB, Third Edition, is updated for MongoDB 3 and includes all of the latest MongoDB features, including the aggregation framework introduced in version 2.2 and hashed indexes in version 2.4. The Third Edition also now includes Node.js along with Python.

MongoDB is the most popular of the "Big Data" NoSQL database technologies, and it's still growing. David Hows from 10gen, along with experienced MongoDB authors Peter Membrey and Eelco Plugge, provide their expertise and experience in teaching you everything you need to know to become a MongoDB pro.


《MongoDB 完全指南,第三版》已更新至 MongoDB 3,並包含所有最新的 MongoDB 功能,包括在版本 2.2 中引入的聚合框架和在版本 2.4 中引入的哈希索引。第三版還新增了 Node.js 和 Python 的內容。

MongoDB 是最受歡迎的「大數據」NoSQL 數據庫技術之一,並且仍在不斷發展。10gen 的 David Hows 與經驗豐富的 MongoDB 作者 Peter Membrey 和 Eelco Plugge,結合他們的專業知識和經驗,教授您成為 MongoDB 專家所需的一切知識。