Gain the information you need to design secure, useful, high-performing apps that expose end-users to as little risk as possible. See how to best design and develop Android apps with security in mind: explore concepts that you can use to secure apps and how you can use and incorporate these security features into your apps.
What You’ll Learn
- Identify data that should be secured
- Use the Android APIs to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data
- Build secure apps for the enterprise
- Implement Public Key Infrastructure and encryption APIs in apps
- Master owners, access control lists, and permissions to allow user control over app properties
- Manage authentication, transport layer encryption, and server-side security
Who This Book Is For
Experienced Android app developers.
獲取設計安全、有用且高效能應用程式所需的信息,讓最終用戶面臨的風險降到最低。了解如何以安全為考量來最佳設計和開發 Android 應用程式:探索可以用來保護應用程式的概念,以及如何將這些安全功能應用於您的應用程式中。
- 確定應該保護的數據
- 使用 Android API 確保數據的機密性和完整性
- 為企業構建安全的應用程式
- 在應用程式中實現公鑰基礎設施和加密 API
- 精通擁有者、存取控制清單和權限,以允許用戶控制應用程式屬性
- 管理身份驗證、傳輸層加密和伺服器端安全性
有經驗的 Android 應用程式開發者。