Beginning Robotics Programming in Java with LEGO Mindstorms
暫譯: 使用 Java 和 LEGO Mindstorms 開始機器人程式設計

Wei Lu




Discover the difference between making a robot move and making a robot think
Using Mindstorms EV3 and LeJOS―an open source project for Java Mindstorms projects―you’ll learn how to create Artificial Intelligence (AI) for your bot. Your robot will learn how to problem solve, how to plan, and how to communicate. Along the way, you’ll learn about classical AI algorithms for teaching hardware how to think; algorithms that you can then apply to your own robotic inspirations.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn about robotic intelligence in a practical, playful way, Beginning Robotics Programming in Java with LEGO Mindstorms is for you.
What you’ll learn:
  • Build your first LEGO EV3 robot step-by-step
  • Install LeJOS and its firmware on Lego EV3
  • Create and upload your first Java program into Lego EV3
  • Work with Java programming for motors
  • Understand Robotics behavior programming with sensors
  • Review common AI algorithms, such as DFS, BFS, and Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Who this book is for:
Students, teachers, and makers with basic Java programming experience who want to learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence to a practical robotic system.



使用 Mindstorms EV3 和 LeJOS——一個用於 Java Mindstorms 專案的開源專案——您將學習如何為您的機器人創建人工智慧 (AI)。您的機器人將學會如何解決問題、如何計劃以及如何進行溝通。在這個過程中,您將了解教導硬體思考的經典 AI 演算法;這些演算法您可以應用於自己的機器人靈感。

如果您曾經想以實用且有趣的方式學習機器人智能,使用 LEGO Mindstorms 的 Java 機器人程式設計入門將非常適合您。


  • 逐步構建您的第一個 LEGO EV3 機器人

  • 在 Lego EV3 上安裝 LeJOS 及其韌體

  • 創建並上傳您的第一個 Java 程式到 Lego EV3

  • 使用 Java 程式設計控制馬達

  • 理解使用感測器的機器人行為程式設計

  • 回顧常見的 AI 演算法,如 DFS、BFS 和 Dijkstra 演算法


學生、教師和具有基本 Java 程式設計經驗的創客,想要學習如何將人工智慧應用於實際的機器人系統。