$520$442 -
$4,190$3,981 -
$1,500$1,470 -
$500$450 -
$2,185$2,070 -
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$1,039Linear Algebra with Applications, 8/e (IE-Paperback)
$2,080Fundamentals of LTE (Hardcover)
$1,320Ninja Hacking: Unconventional Penetration Testing Tactics and Techniques (Paperback)
$3,150Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified, 2/e (Hardcover)
$1,683Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools (Paperback)
$1,250$1,188 -
$480$408 -
$1,683Java Performance (Paperback)
$1,810$1,720 -
$1,782Wireshark for Security Professionals: Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework
$1,764MATLAB Deep Learning: With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence (Paperback)
$380$323 -
$680$537 -
$403深入理解 TensorFlow 架構設計與實現原理
Build an automated currency trading bot from scratch with java. In this book, you will learn about the nitty-gritty of automated trading and have a closer look at Java, the Spring Framework, event-driven programming, and other open source APIs, notably Google's Guava API. And of course, development will all be test-driven with unit testing coverage.
The central theme of Building Trading Bots Using Java is to create a framework that can facilitate automated trading on most of the brokerage platforms, with minimum changes. At the end of the journey, you will have a working trading bot, with a sample implementation using the OANDA REST API, which is free to use.
- Find out about trading bots
- Discover the details of tradeable instruments and apply bots to them
- Track and use market data events
- Place orders and trades
- Work with trade/order and account events
從頭開始使用Java建立一個自動化貨幣交易機器人。在這本書中,您將學習自動化交易的細節,並深入研究Java、Spring Framework、事件驅動程式設計和其他開源API,特別是Google的Guava API。當然,開發過程中將全部使用單元測試覆蓋。
《使用Java建立交易機器人》的核心主題是創建一個能夠在大多數經紀平台上實現自動化交易的框架,並且最小限度地進行更改。在旅程結束時,您將擁有一個可運行的交易機器人,並使用免費的OANDA REST API進行示例實現。
- 了解交易機器人
- 探索可交易工具的細節並應用機器人
- 追蹤和使用市場數據事件
- 下單和交易
- 處理交易/訂單和帳戶事件