Write your first code in Java using simple, step-by-step examples that model real-word objects and events, making learning easy. With this book you’ll be able to pick up the concepts without fuss. Java for Absolute Beginners teaches Java development in language anyone can understand, giving you the best possible start. You’ll see clear code descriptions and layout so that you can get your code running as soon as possible. After reading this book, you'll come away with the basics to get started writing programs in Java.
Author Iuliana Cosmina focuses on practical knowledge and getting up to speed quickly―all the bits and pieces a novice needs to get started programming in Java. First, you’ll discover how Java is executed, what type of language it is, and what it is good for. With the theory out of the way, you’ll install Java, choose an editor such as IntelliJ IDEA, and write your first simple Java program. Along the way you’ll compile and execute this program so it can run on any platform that supports Java. As part of this tutorial you’ll see how to write high-quality code by following conventions and respecting well-known programming principles, making your projects more professional and efficient.
Finally, alongside the core features of Java, you’ll learn skills in some of the newest and most exciting features of the language: Generics, Lambda expressions, modular organization, local-variable type inference, and local variable syntax for Lambda expressions.
Java for Absolute Beginners gives you all you need to start your Java 9+ programming journey. No experience necessary.
What You'll Learn
- Use data types, operators, and the new stream API
- Install and use a build tool such as Gradle
- Build interactive Java applications with JavaFX
- Exchange data using the new JSON APIs
- Play with images using multi-resolution APIs
- Use the publish-subscribe framework
Who This Book Is For
Those who are new to programming and who want to start with Java.
撰寫您的第一段 Java 程式碼,使用簡單的逐步範例來模擬現實世界的物件和事件,使學習變得輕鬆。透過這本書,您將能夠輕鬆掌握概念。《Java for Absolute Beginners》以任何人都能理解的語言教授 Java 開發,讓您獲得最佳的起步。您將看到清晰的程式碼描述和佈局,以便能夠儘快運行您的程式碼。閱讀完這本書後,您將掌握基本知識,開始撰寫 Java 程式。
作者 Iuliana Cosmina 專注於實用知識和快速上手——所有新手開始學習 Java 程式設計所需的各種要素。首先,您將了解 Java 是如何執行的,它是一種什麼類型的語言,以及它的用途。理論部分結束後,您將安裝 Java,選擇一個編輯器,例如 IntelliJ IDEA,並撰寫您的第一個簡單 Java 程式。在這個過程中,您將編譯並執行這個程式,以便它能在任何支援 Java 的平台上運行。作為這個教程的一部分,您將學習如何遵循慣例和尊重知名的程式設計原則來撰寫高品質的程式碼,使您的專案更加專業和高效。
最後,除了 Java 的核心特性外,您還將學習一些語言中最新和最令人興奮的特性:泛型、Lambda 表達式、模組化組織、本地變數類型推斷,以及 Lambda 表達式的本地變數語法。
《Java for Absolute Beginners》提供了您開始 Java 9+ 程式設計之旅所需的一切。無需任何經驗。
- 使用資料類型、運算子和新的流 API
- 安裝並使用像 Gradle 這樣的建置工具
- 使用 JavaFX 建立互動式 Java 應用程式
- 使用新的 JSON API 交換資料
- 使用多解析度 API 操作圖像
- 使用發布-訂閱框架
本書適合對程式設計感到陌生並希望從 Java 開始的人。