Productionizing AI: How to Deliver AI B2B Solutions with Cloud and Python

Walsh, Barry


This book is a guide to productionizing AI solutions using best-of-breed cloud services with workarounds to lower costs. Supplemented with step-by-step instructions covering data import through wrangling to partitioning and modeling through to inference and deployment, and augmented with plenty of Python code samples, the book has been written to accelerate the process of moving from script or notebook to app.

From an initial look at the context and ecosystem of AI solutions today, the book drills down from high-level business needs into best practices, working with stakeholders, and agile team collaboration. From there you'll explore data pipeline orchestration, machine and deep learning, including working with and finding shortcuts using artificial neural networks such as AutoML and AutoAI. You'll also learn about the increasing use of NoLo UIs through AI application development, industry case studies, and finally a practical guide to deploying containerized AI solutions.

The book is intended for those whose role demands overcoming budgetary barriers or constraints in accessing cloud credits to undertake the often difficult process of developing and deploying an AI solution.

What You Will Learn

  • Develop and deliver production-grade AI in one month
  • Deploy AI solutions at a low cost
  • Work around Big Tech dominance and develop MVPs on the cheap
  • Create demo-ready solutions without overly complex python scripts/notebooks

Who this book is for:

Data scientists and AI consultants with programming skills in Python and driven to succeed in AI.



從對當今AI解決方案的背景和生態系統的初步了解開始,本書從高層次的業務需求深入探討最佳實踐、與利益相關者合作以及敏捷團隊協作。然後,您將探索數據管道編排、機器和深度學習,包括使用AutoML和AutoAI等人工神經網絡的工作和快捷方式。您還將了解通過AI應用程序開發中越來越多地使用的NoLo UI,行業案例研究,以及部署容器化AI解決方案的實用指南。


- 在一個月內開發和交付生產級AI
- 以低成本部署AI解決方案
- 繞過大型科技公司的主導地位,以低成本開發MVP
- 創建無需過於複雜的Python腳本/筆記本即可展示的解決方案



Barry Walsh is a software-delivery consultant and AI trainer at Pairview with a background in exploiting complex business data to optimize and de-risk energy assets at ABB/Ventyx, Infosys, E.ON, Centrica, and his own start-up He has a proven track record of providing consultancy services in Data Science, BI, and Business Analysis to businesses in Energy, IT, FinTech, Telco, Retail, and Healthcare, Barry has been at the apex of analytics and AI solutions delivery for 20 years. Besides being passionate about Enterprise AI, Barry spends his spare time with his wife and 8-year-old son, playing the piano, riding long bike rides (and a marathon on a broken toe this year), eating out whenever possible or getting his daily coffee fix.


Barry Walsh是Pairview的軟體交付顧問和AI培訓師,擁有在ABB/Ventyx、Infosys、E.ON、Centrica和他自己的初創公司ce.tech中利用複雜的商業數據來優化和降低風險的能源資產的背景。他在能源、IT、金融科技、電信、零售和醫療保健等行業向企業提供數據科學、商業智能和業務分析的諮詢服務,擁有20年的分析和AI解決方案交付的成功經驗。除了對企業AI充滿熱情外,Barry在業餘時間與妻子和8歲的兒子一起度過,彈鋼琴,騎長途自行車(今年還在腳趾頭受傷的情況下參加了一場馬拉松),盡可能外出用餐或每天享受咖啡。