CSS Refactoring: Architect Your Stylesheets for Success (Paperback)
暫譯: CSS 重構:為成功架構你的樣式表

Steve Lindstrom




Revisiting your code to remove redundancies and inconsistencies—known as refactoring—is a common practice when using programming languages. With this book, author Steve Lindstrom not only shows you how to structure your CSS to build a responsive, easy-to-use website, but also how to use refactoring tools to create faster, more readable CSS.

Good CSS is essential to the look and feel of modern sites—as important as the HTML that dictates the site’s appearance and the JavaScript that runs the application. This book is ideal for seasoned front-end developers cleaning up an existing project, as well as those starting a new project for the first time.

  • Discover why CSS is easy to learn but difficult to master
  • Understand the difference between good and bad CSS
  • Learn about refactoring and how it relates to CSS
  • Explore methods for executing a CSS refactoring
  • Learn how to deal with browser inconsistencies
  • Investigate common CSS antipatterns—and how to avoid them
  • Use techniques for structuring a project's CSS
  • Recognize when your CSS refactoring is successful


重新檢視您的程式碼以移除冗餘和不一致性——這被稱為重構(refactoring)——是使用程式語言時的一種常見做法。在這本書中,作者 Steve Lindstrom 不僅向您展示如何結構化您的 CSS 以建立一個響應式且易於使用的網站,還教您如何使用重構工具來創建更快、更易讀的 CSS。

良好的 CSS 對於現代網站的外觀和感覺至關重要——與決定網站外觀的 HTML 和運行應用程式的 JavaScript 一樣重要。這本書非常適合有經驗的前端開發人員清理現有專案,以及首次開始新專案的人。

- 發現為什麼 CSS 容易學習但難以精通
- 理解良好 CSS 與不良 CSS 之間的區別
- 了解重構及其與 CSS 的關係
- 探索執行 CSS 重構的方法
- 學習如何處理瀏覽器不一致性
- 研究常見的 CSS 反模式(antipatterns)及如何避免它們
- 使用技術來結構化專案的 CSS
- 辨識您的 CSS 重構何時成功