Design Sprint: A Practical Guidebook for Building Great Digital Products (Paperback)

Richard Banfield, C. Todd Lombardo, Trace Wax




With more than 500 new apps entering the market every day, what does it take to build a successful digital product? You can greatly reduce your risk of failure with design sprints, a process that enables your team to prototype and test a digital product idea within a week. This practical guide shows you exactly what a design sprint involves and how you can incorporate the process into your organization.

Design sprints not only let you test digital product ideas before you pour too many resources into a project, they also help everyone get on board—whether they’re team members, decision makers, or potential users. You’ll know within days whether a particular product idea is worth pursuing.

Design sprints enable you to:

  • Clarify the problem at hand, and identify the needs of potential users
  • Explore solutions through brainstorming and sketching exercises
  • Distill your ideas into one or two solutions that you can test
  • Prototype your solution and bring it to life
  • Test the prototype with people who would use it


每天有超過500個新應用程式進入市場,要建立一個成功的數位產品需要什麼呢?透過設計衝刺(design sprints)的過程,您可以大大降低失敗的風險,該過程使您的團隊能夠在一週內製作原型並測試數位產品的想法。這本實用指南將向您展示設計衝刺的內容以及如何將此過程融入到您的組織中。


- 澄清問題並確定潛在使用者的需求
- 通過腦力激盪和素描練習探索解決方案
- 將您的想法提煉成一到兩個可測試的解決方案
- 製作原型並將其實現
- 與可能使用該產品的人進行原型測試