React: Up & Running: Building Web Applications (Paperback)

Stoyan Stefanov




Hit the ground running with React, the open-source technology from Facebook for building rich web applications fast. With this practical guide, Facebook web developer Stoyan Stefanov teaches you how to build components--React's basic building blocks--and organize them into maintainable, large-scale apps. If you're familiar with basic JavaScript syntax, you're ready to get started.
Once you understand how React works, you'll build a complete custom Whinepad app that helps users rate wines and keep notes. You'll quickly learn why some developers consider React the key to the web app development puzzle.
  • Set up React and write your first "Hello world" web app
  • Create and use custom React components alongside generic DOM components
  • Build a data table component that lets you edit, sort, search, and export its contents
  • Use the JSX syntax extension as an alternative to function calls
  • Set up a lean, low-level build process that helps you focus on React
  • Build a complete custom app that lets you store data on the client
  • Use ESLint, Flow, and Jest tools to check and test your code as your app evolves
  • Manage communication between components with Flux


立即開始使用React,這是Facebook開源的技術,可以快速構建豐富的網絡應用程序。在這本實用指南中,Facebook網絡開發人員Stoyan Stefanov教你如何構建組件-React的基本構建塊-並將它們組織成可維護的大型應用程序。如果你熟悉基本的JavaScript語法,你就可以開始了。


- 設置React並編寫你的第一個“Hello world”網絡應用程序
- 創建並使用自定義React組件以及通用的DOM組件
- 構建一個數據表組件,讓你可以編輯、排序、搜索和導出內容
- 使用JSX語法擴展作為函數調用的替代方法
- 設置一個精簡、低層次的構建過程,幫助你專注於React
- 構建一個完整的自定義應用程序,讓你可以在客戶端存儲數據
- 使用ESLint、Flow和Jest工具來檢查和測試你的代碼隨著應用程序的發展
- 使用Flux管理組件之間的通信