Programming with MicroPython: Embedded Programming with Microcontrollers and Python

Nicholas H. Tollervey




Learn how to use MicroPython to make cool stuff with the BBC micro:bit, a simple, fun, and powerful gateway into both hardware and software development. This practical book assumes no previous knowledge of programming and takes you on a journey from first steps to advanced projects. Written by the programmer who proposed, coordinated, and contributed to getting MicroPython on the BBC micro:bit, there's no better person to teach you this topic.


學習如何使用MicroPython在BBC micro:bit上製作酷炫的東西,這是一個簡單、有趣且強大的硬體和軟體開發入門。這本實用書籍假設您對程式設計沒有任何先備知識,並帶領您從初步的步驟到高級專案。作者是提議、協調並貢獻於將MicroPython應用於BBC micro:bit的程式設計師,沒有比他更適合教授這個主題的人了。