Cloud-Native Data Center Networking: Architecture, Protocols, and Tools

Dinesh G. Dutt




The kinds of analysis and data sharing that takes place in modern business relies on fast, robust communications among computer systems. Network architects, network operators, and even the designers of distributed applications need to understand architecture and communications protocols in the data center. And best practices have changed radically over the past decade.

For the first time, you can find out what a modern data center looks like, thanks to this book by a leading network developer, Dinesh G. Dutt. This book offers both theory to ground your work and practical advice on topics, such as:

  • Connecting systems in modern data centers
  • Multitenancy
  • How to automate common practices
  • Proper monitoring
  • Choices in routing protocols



首次,由領先的網絡開發人員Dinesh G. Dutt所著的這本書,讓您可以了解現代數據中心的樣貌。本書提供了理論來鞏固您的工作,並提供了實用的建議,包括以下主題:

- 在現代數據中心中連接系統
- 多租戶
- 如何自動化常見實踐
- 正確的監控
- 路由協議的選擇


Dinesh G Dutt has been in the networking industry for the past 20 years, most of it at Cisco Systems. His most recent job was as the Chief Scientist at Cumulus Networks. Before that, he was a Fellow at Cisco Systems. He has been involved in enterprise and data center networking technologies, including the design of many of the ASICs that powered Cisco's mega-switches such as Cat6K and the Nexus family of switches. He also has experience in storage networking from his days at Andiamo Systems and in the design of FCoE. He is a co-author of TRILL and VxLAN and has filed for over 40 patents.


Dinesh G Dutt在網路產業已有20年的經驗,其中大部分時間在思科系統工作。他最近的職位是Cumulus Networks的首席科學家。在此之前,他曾是思科系統的研究員。他參與了企業和資料中心網路技術的開發,包括設計了許多驅動思科巨型交換機(如Cat6K和Nexus系列交換機)的ASIC。他在Andiamo Systems的日子中也有儲存網路的經驗,並參與了FCoE的設計。他是TRILL和VxLAN的共同作者,並申請了超過40項專利。