SAP S/4hana Management Accounting Certification Guide: Application Associate Exam
暫譯: SAP S/4HANA 管理會計認證指南:應用助理考試
Marquis, Theresa, Wright, Marjorie
Studying for the SAP S/4HANA Management Accounting exam? Get the tools you need to succeed with this CO certification study guide for exams C_TS4CO_1709 and C_TS4CO_1809. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, from product cost planning to profit center accounting and beyond. Quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure you're ready to make the grade
In this book, you'll learn about:
a. Test Structure
Prepare with up-to-date information on each topic covered in the 1709 and 1809 exams: master data, business transactions, period-end close, and more.
b. Core Content
Review major subject areas like cost center accounting, internal orders, profitability analysis, and more. For each topic, round out your knowledge with important terminology and key takeaways.
c. Q&A
Test your knowledge with in-depth practice questions and answers for each major topic, and gain insight into how questions may be worded on test day.
Highlights include:
1) C_TS4CO_1709 exam
2) C_TS4CO_1809 exam
3) Organizational assignments
4) Process integration
5) Cost center accounting
6) Internal orders
7) Product cost planning
8) Cost object controlling
9) Profitability analysis
10) Profit center accounting
學習 SAP S/4HANA 管理會計考試嗎?使用這本針對 C_TS4CO_1709 和 C_TS4CO_1809 考試的 CO 認證學習指南,獲得成功所需的工具。了解考試結構及預期內容,然後逐步深入每個主題領域,從產品成本規劃到利潤中心會計等。透過練習題和答案自我測驗,確保你準備好取得好成績。
a. 考試結構
準備有關 1709 和 1809 考試中每個主題的最新資訊:主數據、業務交易、期末結算等。
b. 核心內容
c. 問答
1) C_TS4CO_1709 考試
2) C_TS4CO_1809 考試
3) 組織分配
4) 流程整合
5) 成本中心會計
6) 內部訂單
7) 產品成本規劃
8) 成本物件控制
9) 獲利分析
10) 利潤中心會計